Kearsarge section, bed 10 (upper 200 ft.) of Stauffer 1930 (Silurian of the United States)

Where: Inyo County, California (36.8° N, 118.1° W: paleocoordinates 10.7° S, 74.0° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Vaughn Gulch Formation, Silurian (443.8 - 419.2 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified, massive, gray, blue, argillaceous, cherty/siliceous limestone

• Limestone, dark bluish gray, and beds of dark gray calcareous shale. The shale is rather compact and splits into thin plates. Some chert. Fossils more abundant in the massive beds.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by C. R. Stauffer; reposited in the UCMP

Collection methods: surface (in situ),

Primary reference: C. R. Stauffer. 1930. The Devonian of California. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 19(4):81-118 [J. Marcot/J. Marcot]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 229253: authorized by Jonathan Marcot, entered by Jonathan Marcot on 24.02.2023

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Streptosclerophorida - Hindiidae
Hindia sphaeroidalis Duncan 1879 demosponge
 Favositida - Alveolitidae
Alveolites sp. Lamarck 1801 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Micheliniidae
 Favositida - Favositidae
Favosites sp. Lamarck 1816 tabulate coral
Favosites hemispherica Troost 1840 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Pachyporidae
Cladopora sp. Hall 1851 tabulate coral
Cladopora ? labiosa Billings 1859 tabulate coral
 Stauriida - Spongophyllidae
Spongophyllum sedgwicki Edwards and Haime 1851 horn coral
 Stauriida - Cyathophyllidae
Cyathophyllum sp. Goldfuss 1826 horn coral
 Stauriida - Arachnophyllidae
Chonophyllum magnificum Billings 1860 horn coral
misspelled as "Chonophyllum magnificus"
 Stauriida - Lithostrotionidae
Diphyphyllum sp. Lonsdale 1845 horn coral
Diphyphyllum cf. simcoense Billings 1859 horn coral
 Hadrosida - Urasterellidae
Urasterella inyoensis n. sp. Stauffer 1930 sea star
Crinoidea indet. Miller 1821 Sea lily
"crinoid stems"
 Atrypida - Atrypidae
Atrypa ? reticularis Linnaeus 1758
 Pentamerida - Clorindidae
 Pentamerida - Gypidulidae
Gypidula sp., "Gypidula ? comis" = Gypidula cornuta
Gypidula sp. Hall 1867
"Gypidula ? comis" = Gypidula cornuta Fenton and Fenton 1924
 Orthida - Schizophoriidae
Schizophoria striatula von Schlotheim 1813
 Rhynchonellida - Hypothyridinidae
"Hypothyris ? emmonsi" = Hypothyridina emmonsi
"Hypothyris ? emmonsi" = Hypothyridina emmonsi Hall and Whitfield 1877
 Euomphalina - Platyceratidae
Platyceras sp., "Platyostoma sp." = Platyostoma, "Diaphorostoma sp." = Platyostoma
Platyceras sp. Conrad 1840 snail
"Platyostoma sp." = Platyostoma Conrad 1842 snail
"Diaphorostoma sp." = Platyostoma Conrad 1842 snail