Tupungato–Piedras Coloradas Anticlines (Neogene of Argentina)

Where: Mendoza, Argentina (33.3° S, 69.1° W: paleocoordinates 33.5° S, 66.9° W)

• coordinate stated in text

When: Huayquerian mammal zone, Río de los Pozos Formation, Huayquerian (8.0 - 5.0 Ma)

• Cerdeño et al. 2023: Fossils from the Río de los Pozos Formation were first assigned to the Late Miocene–Pliocene (Huayquerian–Montehermosan Stages/Ages); Irigoyen et al. (2000) later stated a Huayquerian age, according to their origin from sediments close to the dated levels of Tobas La Angostura. Recently, two samples from the lower third of this formation at the La Pilona Anticline (~20 km NNW from the Tupungato Anticline) were dated. The U-Pb zircon age supplied from that area for the Río de los Pozos Formation was 7.41 + 1.3 Ma (Upper Miocene, late Tortonian–early Messinian Stages, roughly equivalent to the Huayquerian Stage/Age; e.g., see Prevosti et al., 2021, fig. 2) for maximum depositional age; samples of tuff from the underlying Tobas La Angostura gave values of 8.39 + 0.42 Ma and 8.31 + 0.48 Ma U-Pb (Buelow et al., 2018: 385), older within the Tortonian. Then, these chronological data support a Late Miocene age and the latest Chasicoan or mostly Huayquerian Stage/Age for the faunal content, at least in the inferior part of the sequence.

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

• Fine-grained deposits dominate the whole section. In the basal section, these deposits are interbedded with tabular sandstones bodies, 5 to 30 cm thick, that are massive, horizontally laminated, and either highly bioturbated (FA A) or with amalgamated lenses of sandstones (FA B). In both cases, the abundance of mud cracks and intraclastic conglomerates evidence the ephemeral character of the flows. The FA C is characterized by the intercalations, among the fine-grained facies, of tabular beds of amalgamated lenses of conglomerates, showing in the section an overall coarsening-up and thickening-up arrangement of these intercalations. The sedimentary environments interpreted for the FA (summarized in Supplementary Data, Table S2) represent a fluvial megafan (DeCelles and Cavaza, 1999).

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: The recovered fossils mostly come from the two inferior thirds of the Río de los Pozos Formation (Fig. 2), but some come from outcrops at the most eastern part of the Piedras Coloradas creek (Fig. 1). Following Yrigoyen (1993b) and Ramos et al. (2010), the eastern part of the Piedras Coloradas creek would correspond to the Mogotes Formation. However, no lithologic differentiation has been observed in the field. The upper third of the section has more conglomeratic intercalations, which likely led Ramos et al. (2010) to propose the limit between formations. However, the section is still dominated by fine-grained facies (Fig. 2), being different from the limit observed at the western flank of the Tupungato Anticline (Fig.1), clearly dominated by conglomeratic facies and without fossil remains. Therefore, we conclude that the whole studied section, with fossil records, corresponds to only one unit that we recognize as the Río de los Pozos Formation.

Primary reference: E. Cerdeño , C. I. Montalvo, S. H. Del Pino, J. Suriano, M. R. Ciancio, F. Pujos, G. I. Schmidt and J. S. Salgado Ahumada. 2023. Late Miocene–Early Pliocene mammals from the Tupungato–Piedras Coloradas Anticlines, Mendoza, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104497 [J. Carrillo/K. Pino/P. Mannion]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 231327: authorized by Juan Carrillo, entered by Kateryn Pino on 16.08.2023

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Notoungulata - Toxodontidae
Dinotoxodon paranensis Burmeister 1885 notoungulate
 Notoungulata - Mesotheriidae
"Typotheriopsis silveyrai" = Typotheriopsis chasicoensis
"Typotheriopsis silveyrai" = Typotheriopsis chasicoensis Cabrera and Kraglievich 1931 notoungulate
IANIGLA-PV 936, PV 937, PV 951, PV 952, PV 958, PV 966, PV 969, PV 1205
 Notoungulata - Hegetotheriidae
Hemihegetotherium achathaleptum Rovereto 1914 notoungulate
Tremacyllus impressus Ameghino 1888 notoungulate
Paedotherium sp. Burmeister 1888 notoungulate
IANIGLA-PV 938, PV 941, PV 944, PV 947
 Rodentia - Chinchillidae
Lagostomus sp. Brookes 1828 viscacha
IANIGLA-PV 972, PV 970
 Rodentia -
Neophanomys biplicatus Rovereto 1914 caviomorph
 Rodentia - Octodontidae
Metacaremys calfucalel Piñero et al. 2021 caviomorph
IANIGLA-PV 1198, IANIGLA-PV 1201, PV 1209, IANIGLA-PV 1210
 Rodentia - Abrocomidae
Protabrocoma antiqua Rovereto 1914 chinchilla rat
 Rodentia - Hydrochoeridae
Cardiatherium cf. paranense Ameghino 1883 caviomorph
 Rodentia - Caviidae
Cardiomys cf. eufuensis caviomorph
IANIGLA-PV 954, PV 1192, IANIGLA-PV 1195,
Prodolichotis cf. prisca Rovereto 1914 caviomorph
IANIGLA-PV 976, PV 980, PV 1216, PV 978
 Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Proeuphractus limpidus Ameghino 1886 armadillo
IANIGLA-PV 1272, one buckler osteoderm.
Chasicotatus sp. Scillato-Yané 1977 armadillo
IANIGLA-PV 943, three buckler osteoderms
Doellotatus chapadmalensis Bordas 1932 armadillo
IANIGLA-PV 1273, broken buckler and movable osteoderms
Macrochorobates scalabrinii Moreno and Mercerat 1891 armadillo
IANIGLA-PV 960, associated small fragment of dorsal
  - Mylodontidae
Proscelidodon sp. Bordas 1935 edentate
IANIGLA-PV 971, partial skeleton