Where: Santa Cruz, Argentina (51.7° S, 69.2° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 52.2° S, 60.9° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on unpublished field data
When: NP3 nannofossil zone, Campo Bola Formation, Early/Lower Paleocene (66.0 - 61.7 Ma)
Environment/lithology: marine; fine-grained, gray claystone and siltstone
Size class: microfossils
Collected by Baker Atlas company in 2003
Collection methods: core,
Primary reference: M. S. G. Estebenet, M. V. Guler, and J. P. Pérez Panera. 2021. Late Maastrichtian to Danian organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts and calcareous nannofossils from eastern Austral Basin, Patagonia, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 285(2):1-18 [E. Vlachos/F. Aspromonte]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 232043: authorized by Evangelos Vlachos, entered by Franco Aspromonte on 12.10.2023, edited by Antonio Pasini
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Coccolithophyceae | |
Reticulofenestra | |
Gastropoda | |
Sullivania danica Brotzen 1959 turrid | |
Reticulofenestra | |
Reticulofenestra dictyoda Stradner 1968
Reticulofenestra minuta Roth 1970 | |
Coccolithophyceae | |
Holodiscolithus solidus Deflandre and Fert 1954 Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
Chiasmolithus danicus Hay and Mohler 1967 Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
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Prinsius dimorphosus Perch-Nielsen 1977 Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
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Pontosphaera pulchra Romein 1979
Coccolithus pelagicus Wallich 1877 Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
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Placozygus sigmoides Romein 1979 Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
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Cervisiella saxea | |
"Cervisiella saxea" = Cervisiella saxea
"Cervisiella saxea" = Cervisiella saxea Stradner 1961 Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
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Thoracosphaera saxea | |
"Thoracosphaera saxea" = Cervisiella saxea
"Thoracosphaera saxea" = Cervisiella saxea Stradner 1961 | |
Cervisiella operculata | |
"Cervisiella operculata" = Cervisiella operculata
"Cervisiella operculata" = Cervisiella operculata Bramlette and Martini 1964 Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
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Thoracosphaera operculata | |
"Thoracosphaera operculata" = Cervisiella operculata
"Thoracosphaera operculata" = Cervisiella operculata Bramlette and Martini 1964 | |
Toweius occultatus | |
Toweius occultatus Locker 1967 |