Sur Río Chico (1000-1003) (Cretaceous of Argentina)

Where: Santa Cruz, Argentina (51.7° S, 69.2° W: paleocoordinates 53.9° S, 59.1° W)

• coordinate based on unpublished field data

When: UC20 nannofossil zone, Campo Bola Formation, Late/Upper Maastrichtian (70.6 - 66.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; brown, gray siltstone

• Claylite, light gray, minor light brown, with abundant glauconite inclusions, irregular fracture, isolated very thick loose grains, partly very fine sandy, moderate compaction.

Size class: microfossils

Collected by Baker Atlas company in 2003

Collection methods: core,

Primary reference: M. S. G. Estebenet, M. V. Guler, and J. P. Pérez Panera. 2020. Late Maastrichtian to Danian organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts and calcareous nannofossils from eastern Austral Basin, Patagonia, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 285(2):1-18 [E. Vlachos/F. Aspromonte]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 232049: authorized by Evangelos Vlachos, entered by Franco Aspromonte on 12.10.2023

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Prymnesiophycidae - Prymnesiophycidae
Markalius inversus Deflandre 1954
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Eiffellithales - Eiffellithaceae
Eiffellithus turriseiffelii Deflandre 1954
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Eiffellithales - Chiastozygaceae
Chiastozygus synquadriperforatus Bukry 1969
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Arkhangelskiales - Kamptneriaceae
Gartnerago segmentatum Stover 1966
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
Kamptnerius magnificus Deflandre 1959
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Arkhangelskiales - Arkhangelskiellaceae
Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana Burnett 1998
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis Vekshina 1959
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Watznaueriales - Watznaueriaceae
Cyclagelosphaera reinhardtii Perch-Nielsen 1968
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Podorhabdales - Cretarhabdaceae
Cretarhabdus conicus Bramlette and Martini 1964
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Podorhabdales - Prediscosphaeraceae
Prediscosphaera stoveri Perch-Nielsen 1968
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
Prediscosphaera spinosa Bramlette and Martini 1964
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Podorhabdales - Axopodorhabdaceae
Nephrolithus frequens Górka 1957
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
Cribrosphaerella ehrenbergi
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
 Braarudosphaerales - Polycyclolithaceae
Micula staurophora Gardet 1955 coccolithophore
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view
Micula concava Stradner 1960 coccolithophore
Data on abundance represent individual counts on 650 fields of view