Lower Bagshot - Arne (Eocene of the United Kingdom)

Where: England, United Kingdom (50.7° N, 2.0° W: paleocoordinates 46.2° N, 4.3° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Bagshot Formation, Ypresian (56.0 - 47.8 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial; unlithified, lag lignite and unlithified sandstone

• Carbonaceous lag deposits within stream sands and silts

Size class: mesofossils

Preservation: original carbon, replaced with pyrite

Collection methods: bulk, quarrying, sieve,

Primary reference: M. E. J. Chandler. 1962. The Lower Tertiary Floras of Southern England. II. Flora of the Pipe-Clay Series of Dorset (Lower Bagshot). British Museum (Natural History) London 1-176 [B. Tiffney/B. Tiffney/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 23397: authorized by Bruce Tiffney, entered by Bruce Tiffney on 13.07.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Schizaeales - Polypodiidae
Anemia subcretacea Gard and Ett 1880
Anemia poolensis Chandler 1955
 Malpighiales - Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbiotheca sp. Reid and Chandler 1933 spurge
Wetherellia variabilis Bowerbank 1840 spurge
 Malvales - Thymelaeaceae
Thymelaeaspermum lakense n. gen. n. sp.
Thymelaeaspermum lakense n. gen. n. sp. Chandler 1962
 Sapindales - Rutaceae
Phellodendron costatum Chandler 1925 citrus
Rutaspermum excavatum n. sp. Chandler 1962 citrus
Rutaspermum magnificum n. sp. Chandler 1962 citrus
 Rosids - Moraceae
Ovicarpum reticulatum n. gen. n. sp.
Ovicarpum reticulatum n. gen. n. sp. Chandler 1962 mulberry
 Vitales - Vitaceae
Tetrastigma acuminata n. sp. Chandler 1962
Vitis sp. Linnaeus 1753 grapevine
Vitis triangularis n. sp. Chandler 1962 grapevine
Vitis pygmaea Chandler 1961 grapevine
Vitis glabra n. sp. Chandler 1962 grapevine
Vitis goodharti n. sp. Chandler 1962 grapevine
Vitis platysperma n. sp. Chandler 1962 grapevine
Vitis arnensis n. sp. Chandler 1962 grapevine
Carpolithus arnensis n. sp. Chandler 1962
 Ericales - Sapotaceae
? Sapoticarpum sp. Reid and Chandler 1933
 Ericales - Symplocaceae
Symplocos headonensis Chandler 1926 sweetleaf
Symplocos lakensis n. sp. Chandler 1962 sweetleaf
 Papaverales - Capparidaceae
Burtonella emarginata n. gen. n. sp.
Burtonella emarginata n. gen. n. sp. Chandler 1962 caper
 Mesangiosperms - Araceae
Aracispermum arnense n. sp. Chandler 1962
 Poales - Cyperaceae
Scirpus lakensis Chandler 1960 sedge
Caricoidea arnei n. sp. Chandler 1962 sedge
 Mesangiosperms - Arecaceae
Sabal sp. Adanson 1763 palm
 Solanales - Solanaceae
"Solanispermum reniforme" = Solanispermum reniformis, Solanum arnense n. sp.
"Solanispermum reniforme" = Solanispermum reniformis Chandler 1957 nightshade
Solanum arnense n. sp. nightshade
 Saxifragales - Hamamelidaceae
Hamamelidaceae indet. Brown 1818 witch-hazel
 Cornales - Cornaceae
Eomastixia rugosa Zenker 1833
 Cornales - Nyssaceae
Nyssoidea eocenica n. gen. n. sp.
Nyssoidea eocenica n. gen. n. sp. Chandler 1962
 Icacinales - Icacinaceae
Iodes acutiformis n. sp. Chandler 1962 white pear
Icacinicarya inornata n. sp. Chandler 1962 white pear
 Ranunculales - Menispermaceae
Wardenia poolensis n. sp. Chandler 1962
Tinospora arnensis n. sp. Chandler 1962
 Violales - Flacourtiaceae
Oncoba rugosa n. sp. Chandler 1962
  - Mastixiaceae
? Mastixia cantiensis Reid and Chandler 1933
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae
Taxodium lakense n. sp. Chandler 1962 cypress