Butte de Gazonfier (Cretaceous of France)

Where: Loir-et-Cher, France (48.0° N, 0.2° E: paleocoordinates 36.8° N, 2.1° E)

When: Late/Upper Cenomanian (99.6 - 93.5 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: bulk,

• - [ ] FIGURE 26. Raninella trigeri A. Milne Edwards, 1862 (Raninidae, Ranininae), upper Cenomanian, Butte de Gazonfier, Le Mans (northwestern France); A, C, E. NHM LM 2003-1-3787A (indeterminate sex); left lateral view of carapace and cheliped (arrow indicating crest on merus of left cheliped); dorsal view of carapace and chelipeds, and frontal view showing chelipeds;

• Raninella elongata A. Milne Edwards, 1862 (Raninidae, Ranininae), upper Cenomanian, Butte de Gazonfier, Le Mans (northwestern France); A, C, D, MNH LM3788 (indeterminate sex); dorsal view of carapace and chelipeds; left lateral view of carapace and cheliped (arrow indicating crest on merus of left cheliped), and ventral view showing thoracic sternum and chelipeds; B, E. MNHN R03934 (paralectotype); carapace with both chelipeds preserved (LM3788); carapace and sternum, illustrated by Brocchi (1877: figs. 4, 5), designated lectotype by Breton & Collins (2007: 18) (MNHN A25922); syntypes, two carapaces (MNHN R03927); paralectotype, one of two carapaces (see also under Raninella trigeri) with exposed pleurites 5 7 preserved (MNHN R03934, as Raninella trigeri);

•Cenomanocarcinus inflatus Van Straelen, 1936 (Cenomanocarcinidae), MNHN J08587 (lectotype), photo- graph of MAB k. 2968 (cast), upper Cenomanian, Butte de Gazonfier, Le Mans (northwestern France); dorsal and left lateral views (direction of photography in D indicated by arrow in A); - [ ] C. Inflatus Dorsal carapace, upper Cenomanian, Butte de Gazonfier, Le Mans, France (MNHN J08587 [see Van Straelen 1936: pl. 4, fig. 8]; MAB k. 2968 represents a cast); dorsal carapace, same provenance (MNHN R05504, the original of A. Milne-Edwards in Guillier 1886: 244); dorsal carapaces, same provenance (MHN LM 3804, MHN LM 3806).

Primary reference: B. W. M. van Bakel, D. Guinot, P. Artal, R. H. B. Fraaije, and J. W. M. Jagt. 2012. A revision of the Palaeocorystoidea and the phylogeny of raninoidian crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Podotremata). Zootaxa 3215:1-216 [C. Schweitzer/S. Yost/J. Fearon]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 234130: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by J Fearon on 19.03.2024

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Decapoda - Cenomanocarcinidae
Cenomanocarcinus inflatus van Straelen 1936 crab
 Decapoda - Raninidae
Raninella trigeri Milne-Edwards 1862 crab
Raninella elongata Milne Edwards 1862 crab