Wagner Park, Lubbock (Cretaceous of the United States)

Where: Lubbock County, Texas (33.6° N, 101.9° W: paleocoordinates 33.0° N, 66.2° W)

When: Woodbine Formation, Cenomanian (100.5 - 93.9 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; lithology not reported

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: surface (in situ),

• - [ ] A–D, Cenomanocarcinus beardi Schweitzer, Feldmann, Fam, Hessin, Hetrick, Nyborg & Ross, 2003a (Cenom- anocarcinidae); A, D, MAB k. 2544 (female), Cenomanian (Woodbine Formation), Wagner Park, Texas (U.S.A), dorsal view of carapace, and ventral view showing thoracic sternum and mxp3; B, C, MAB k. 2916 and k. 2917 (both indeterminate sex), par- tial carapaces, same locality and provenance; F, Cenomanocarcinus beardi Schweitzer, Feldmann, Fam, Hessin, Hetrick, Nyborg & Ross, 2003a, MAB k. 2880 (indeterminate sex), Cenomanian (Woodbine Formation), Wagner Park, Texas (U.S.A), dorsal view of carapace. ebs, epi- branchial spine; pbs, posterobranchial spine. Scale bars: 10mm.

•MAB k. 2969: cast of paratype (GSC 124821), provided by C.E. Schweitzer, March 2007 (see Schweitzer et al. 2003a: 35, fig. 12.1); MAB k. 2544, k. 2880, k. 2916, k. 2917, Woodbine Formation, Cenoma- nian, Creek in Wagner Park, southwest Freud Prairie, Texas (U.S.A.).

Primary reference: B. W. M. van Bakel, D. Guinot, P. Artal, R. H. B. Fraaije, and J. W. M. Jagt. 2012. A revision of the Palaeocorystoidea and the phylogeny of raninoidian crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Podotremata). Zootaxa 3215:1-216 [C. Schweitzer/S. Yost/J. Fearon]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 234309: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by J Fearon on 27.03.2024

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Decapoda - Cenomanocarcinidae
Cenomanocarcinus beardi Schweitzer et al. 2003 crab