Oxbow mine, sample R4878 B (Paleocene of the United States)

Also known as Field no. NF93LA-28

Where: Red River Parish County, Louisiana (32.0° N, 93.4° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 38.0° N, 64.5° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• hand sample-level geographic resolution

When: Dolet Hills Formation (Wilcox Group), Paleocene (66.0 - 56.0 Ma)

• Late Midwayan Age, middle Paleocene.

•20-30 cm above top of 6-cm-thick flaser-bedded hard siltstone bed, whose base is 3.4 m above top of unit OC-2A.

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; gray mudstone and fine-grained, gray sandstone

• Mudstone, medium-light-gray, interlaminated with minor sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained.

Size class: microfossils

Preservation: original sporopollenin

Collection methods: bulk, chemical, hydrochloric, hydroflouric

• Two sets of slides were made for all samples. One set was made from residues that were not sieved after the original samples had been broken down using HNO3 (lignites) or HCl and HF (detrital rocks). The other set of slides was made from residues that had been sieved to retain the size fraction larger than 8 µm.

Primary reference: N. O. Frederiksen and P. D. Warwick. 1995. Palynology of Paleocene lignite beds and associated detrital strata from Louisiana and Mississippi. Open-File Report 95-208more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 237412: authorized by Phillip Jardine, entered by Hannah Morck on 09.12.2024

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

"Tricolpate pollen A" sp.
Finely reticulate prolate to spheroidal tricolpate to tricolporoidate
"Psilate monoletes" sp.
occurrence denoted by a Q = possibly present
"Psilate triletes" sp.
occurrence denoted by a Q = possibly present
 Pinidae - Pinidae
"Corollina sp." = Classopollis
"Corollina sp." = Classopollis Pflug 1953
Angiospermae indet.
Miscellaneous angiosperms
 Malvales - Bombacaceae
Bombacacidites sp. Couper 1960
  - Sphagnaceae
Sphagnum spp. Linnaeus 1753 peat moss