Stonesfield, Oxfordshire (Jurassic of the United Kingdom)

Where: England, United Kingdom (51.8° N, 1.4° W: paleocoordinates 41.4° N, 9.0° E)

• coordinate stated in text

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Taynton Limestone Formation (Great Oolite Group), Middle Bathonian (167.7 - 164.7 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marginal marine; lithified, ooidal, calcareous sandstone and lithified siltstone

• The fossiliferous tilestones known as the Stonesfield Slate....are of variable lithology, ranging from calcareous sandstone to siltstone, with impersistent oolitic laminae. They have a characteristic fine, horizontal lamination that allowed the splitting of the 'slates'.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression, adpression, original carbon

Collection methods: quarrying,

• The original material was mostly obtained from underground mine workings that closed around a century ago, so the museum specimens are what remains (mostly housed in the NHM, London, and Oxford University Museum).

Primary reference: C. J. Cleal and P. M. Rees. 2003. The Middle Jurassic flora from Stonesfield, Oxfordshire, UK. Palaeontology 46(4):739-801 [A. Rees/A. Rees/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 24227: authorized by Allister Rees, entered by Allister Rees on 02.08.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Masculostrobus sp. Seward 1911
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
 Bennettitales -
 Caytoniales - Caytoniaceae
 Ginkgoales - Ginkgoaceae
 Cordaitales -
 Cycadales -
Taeniopteris vittata Brongniart 1831 cycads
 Cycadales - Cycadaceae
 Cyatheales - Polypodiidae
cf. Coniopteris sp. Brongniart 1849 scaly tree fern
 Gleicheniales - Polypodiidae
 Polypodiales - Polypodiidae
Ctenis sp. Lindley and Hutton 1834
Ctenis cf. sulcicaulis Phillips 1829
Phyllites sp. Brongniart 1822
 Corystospermales - Corystospermaceae
 Pinidae - Pinidae
 Cycadeoideales -
"Conites bucklandii" = Bucklandia bucklandii
"Conites bucklandii" = Bucklandia bucklandii Doweld 2012
 Peltaspermales - Umkomasiaceae