Lower Keketiekedaban Group at Keketiekedaban, Luntai County, Xinjiang Province (Silurian to of China)

Where: Xinjiang, China (41.8° N, 84.2° E: paleocoordinates 34.8° S, 106.7° E)

• coordinate based on political unit

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Keketiekedaban Group, Wenlock to Wenlock (433.4 - 423.0 Ma)

• Except where otherwise stated, ref. 7624 uses Lower Silurian as equivalent to Llandovery, Middle Silurian as equivalent to Wenlock, and Upper Silurian as equivalent to Ludlow plus Pridoli.

Environment/lithology: marine; limestone and shale

• Correlation chart indicates BA 3 position.
• "The lower part of the group consists of limestone, shale, and sandstone, having a thickness of 2069 m. In the limestone Heliolites and Favosites have been found, but the base of the group is covered. Lateral to the lower part of this section a shelly fauna includes [list]."

Primary reference: E.-z. Mu, A. J. Boucot, X. Chen and J.-y. Rong. 1986. Correlation of the Silurian rocks of China. In A. J. Boucot and W. B. N. Berry (eds.), Geological Society of America Special Paper 202:1-80 [M. Foote/M. Foote/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 27766: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 08.01.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Heliolitida - Heliolitidae
Heliolites sp. Dana 1846 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Favositidae
Favosites sp. Lamarck 1816 tabulate coral
? Squameofavosites sp. Chernyshev 1941 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Pachyporidae
Cladopora sp. Hall 1851 tabulate coral
 Cystiphyllida - Cystiphyllidae
"Hedstroemophyllum crebrum" = Cystiphyllum (Hedstroemophyllum) horn coral
corrected from "Hedstromophyllum"
 Cystiphyllida - Holmophyllidae
 Stauriida - Ketophyllidae
 Stauriida - Kyphophyllidae
? Pilophyllum sp. Wedekind 1927 horn coral
 Stauriida - Amplexidae
 Amphiporida - Amphiporidae
? Amphipora sp. Schulz 1883 stromatoporoid sponge
 Atrypida - Atrypidae
? Atrypa sp. Dalman 1828