AWi-4, Old Canton Landing (Paleocene of the United States)

Where: Wilcox County, Alabama (32.1° N, 87.3° W: paleocoordinates 35.0° N, 67.3° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Pine Barren Member (Clayton Formation), Danian (66.0 - 61.6 Ma)

• Bed 8 of the section by LaMoreaux and Toulmin (1959). Pine Barren Member spans most of NP1 and part of NP2; the lowest part is in a barren foram zone, but the rest spans the early part of P1a (Schulte & Speijer, 2009).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: transition zone or lower shoreface; gray, argillaceous, calcareous sandstone

• Schulte & Speijer (2009): The Pine Barren is a more distal part of the Clayton Formation. The foraminiferal data indicate rather shallow inner to middle neritic deposition for the entire formation. On the other hand, evidence for water depths exceeding those typical of inner to middle shelf deposits has not been found (Baum and Vail, 1988), and according to Mancini and Tew (1993), such outer shelf deposits are not represented anywhere in the upper Cretaceous to lower Paleogene strata of central Alabama. For the silty claystone intervals in the upper highstand systems tract, immediate below the sequence boundary, it is difficult to assign a distinct water depth range, though the poor macrofaunas and the absence of planktic foraminifera may tentatively suggest a shallow water depth, inbetween 20-40 m.
• lithology described as dark blue-grey sand, clayey, calcareous, and fossiliferous

Size class: mesofossils

Primary reference: L. D. Toulmin. 1977. Stratigraphic Distribution of Paleocene and Eocene Fossils in the Eastern Gulf Coast Region. Geological Survey of Alabama, Monograph 13(1):1-602 [M. Patzkowsky/K. Layou/P. Mannion]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 2816: authorized by Mark Patzkowsky, entered by Karen Layou on 21.07.1999

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Nautilida - Hercoglossidae
Cimomia subrecta Miller and Thompson 1933
 Ostreida - Ostreidae
Ostrea pulaskensis Harris 1892 oyster