Korkino (Triassic to of Russian Federation)

Also known as PGAP 2032

Where: Russian Federation (54.9° N, 61.4° E: paleocoordinates 56.1° N, 42.6° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Kozirevskaya Suite Formation (Chelyabinskaya Series Group), Norian to Norian (228.0 - 201.3 Ma)


Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: A.N. Zakharevich. 1980. Flora from the Stratotype of the Kozyrev and Korkino Suite of the Chelyabinsk Basin. In V.I. Tuzhikova & G.N. Papulov (ed.), News on Stratigraphy of the Triassic of the PaleoUrals 90-97 [A. Rees/A. Rees/S. Bruning]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 30825: authorized by Allister Rees, entered by Allister Rees on 02.04.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• List from p. 90-97. Genus-level assignments and numbers of species are from the PGAP database. Species names are in the process of being entered.
 Gleicheniales - Polypodiidae
Dictyophyllum "sp. 1" Lindley and Hutton 1834
 Equisetales - Equisetidae
Cladophlebis "sp. 1" Brongniart 1849
 Peltaspermales - Peltaspermaceae
Uralophyllum "sp. 1" Kryshtofovich and Prynada 1933
Pityophyllum "sp. 1" Nathorst 1899
 Ginkgoales - Ginkgoaceae
Ginkgo "sp. 1" Linnaeus 1771 ginkgo
 Czekanowskiales -
 Cycadales -
Anthrophyopsis "sp. 1" Nathorst 1878 cycads
Taeniopteris "sp. 1" Brongniart 1828 cycads
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podozamites "sp. 1" Braun 1843 podocarp