Mamers Calcaires Maine and Normandy (Jurassic of France)

Where: France (48.3° N, 0.4° E: paleocoordinates 38.1° N, 10.8° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Retrocostatum Zone zone, Calcaires de Mamers Member, Middle Bathonian (167.7 - 164.7 Ma)

• The 'Calcaires the Mamers' is the base of the Retrocostatum Zone, it is overlain by the 'Caillasse des Baronnieres', the summit of the zone.

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: coastal; grainstone

• flora deposited on skeletal sand in low undulating tracts, sheltered from the open sea and isolated from continental alluvia. Coastal flora, not saline=stressed.
• shoreface calcarenite (...) with trough and cross stratification typical in the lower part, and gradually changes into flat bedding upwards. Terrestrial plants are mainly found in plant debris-rich lenses.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression, original carbon

Collection methods: bulk, mechanical,

Primary reference: M. Philippe, F. Thevenard, G. Barale, S. Ferry, and G. Guignard. 1998. Middle Bathonian floras and phytocoenoses of France. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 143:135-158 [C. Looy/F. Verbruggen/F. Verbruggen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 31318: authorized by Cindy Looy, entered by Frederike Verbruggen on 07.05.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Material mostly studied by others, here reviewed and grouped.

•There are no palynological data available from Mamers. The palynological data found in Champlitte (other collection with this reference) by Médus and Mojon (1996) is thought to be a good approximation.

•The megaflora data is partly derived from Lignier (1911) and partly is described by Philippe et al. (1998)

? Pterphyllum sp.
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
 Corystospermales - Corystospermaceae
Cycadopteris moretiana
part of megaflora (described by Philippe et al.)
 Cycadeoideales -
Conites pontisgirardi
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
 Pinidae - Pinidae
Pagiophyllum sp. Heer 1881
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Brachyphyllum desnoyersii
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Brachyphyllum sp. Brongniart 1828
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
 Bennettitales -
Otozamites bucklandii
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Otozamites lagotis
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Otozamites major
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Otozamites marginatus
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Otozamites pterophylliodes
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Otozamites rechini
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Otozamites reglei
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Otozamites brevifolius Braun 1843
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Zamites moreaui
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Zamites approximatus
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Zamites confusus
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
 Coniferales - Brachyphyllaceae
Brachyoxylon sp. Hollick and Jeffrey 1909
Part of megaflora (described by Philippe et al.)
 Gleicheniales - Polypodiidae
Phlebopteris sp. Brongniart 1836
part of megaflora (described by Philippe et al.)
 Equisetales - Equisetidae
Equisetum mamertinus horsetail
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Equisetum sarthensis horsetail
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
 Cycadales - Cycadaceae
Sphenozamites brongniartii cycads
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))
Cycadites delessei
part of megaflora (described by Lignier (1911))