Lusitaniadalen Member, Vikinghøgda Formation, Svalbard Lower Triassic (Triassic of Norway)

Where: Norway (78.0° N, 23.0° E: paleocoordinates 42.2° N, 10.4° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Lusitaniadalen Member (Vikinghøgda Formation), Olenekian (251.2 - 247.2 Ma)

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: deltaic; concretionary, gray siltstone and bioturbated sandstone

• The lower part represents a transgressive development from the underlying member towards a distal shelf environment. The overall setting represents moderately deep shelf deposition, distal to the deltaic input from the west.
• 88 meters thick

•Siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone interbeds are less common in this member compared to the Deltadalen member.

•Calcite concretions are the most abundant in the upper part of the Lusitaniadalen Member.

•Transition from the underlying Deltadalen Member is often covered in scree.

•The base is well defined where dark grey laminated silty mudstone sharply overlies the hummockly laminated sandstone at the top of the Deltadalen Member.

•Most of the mudstone is finely laminated and only sparse bioturbation is observed.

•The lower part is dominated by dark grey silty laminated mudstone.

•Some meters above the base sandstone beds occur, arranged in faint coarsening-up sequences. Some of these display hummocky lamination and cross lamination. Small globular or flattened carbonate nodules occur in few horizons from ca. 15 meters above the base of the member. Calcite concretions are abundant in the middle and upper parts of the member. These concretions formed early in diagenesis, as evident by deformation of the enclosing shales, and the fact that the enclosed fossils are not crushed. Abundant ammonoids and bivalves occur in a calcareous lens, close to the top of the member. The top of the Lusitaniadalen Member- Vendomdalen Member boundary is placed at the top of the dolomite cemented sandstone.

Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils

Preservation: adpression

Collection methods: bulk, chemical, mechanical,

Primary reference: A. Mørk, G. Elvebakk, A.W. Forsberg, M.W. Hounslow, H.A. Nakrem, J.O. Vigran, and W. Weitschat. 1999. The type section of the Vikinghøgda Formation: a new Lower Triassic unit in central and eastern Svalbard. Polar Research 18(1):51-82 [C. Looy/W. Puijk/W. Puijk]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 31368: authorized by Cindy Looy, entered by Wilma Puijk on 09.05.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Life -
Micrhystridium sp. Deflandre 1937 acritarchs
 Selaginellales -
Cycadopites sp. Wodehouse 1933
 Algae -