Lake Hazen, CB-57-5-28/F, Ellesmere Island (Triassic of Canada)

Where: Nunavut, Canada (81.8° N, 71.3° W: paleocoordinates 39.8° N, 2.5° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Blind Fiord Formation, Dienerian (250.5 - 251.2 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, black, argillaceous siltstone and lithified, black mudstone

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the GSC

Collection methods: peel or thin section,

Primary reference: M. A. Fritz. 1962. A new bryozoan genus from Lake Hazen, Northeastern Ellesmere Island. Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada 13:53-54 [D. Bottjer/C. Powers/C. Jamet]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 32510: authorized by David Bottjer, entered by Catherine Powers on 07.07.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Trepostomida - Stenoporidae
Arcticopora christiei n. gen. n. sp.
Arcticopora christiei n. gen. n. sp. Fritz 1962