Woodbridge Clay, Raritan Formation, New Jersey (Cretaceous of the United States)

Also known as OPC 988, OPC 989, OPC 990, Sayreville and Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey

Where: Middlesex County, New Jersey (40.0° N, 74.0° W: paleocoordinates 33.4° N, 38.4° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Woodbridge Clay Member (Raritan Formation), Cenomanian (100.5 - 93.9 Ma)

• In this area the oldest division of the Cretaceous is the Raritan. In an early report, the Raritan Formation was divided into 7 "beds", which may be seen in many outcrops, but can't be followed any great distance. The thickness of the OPC 988 section is 238 inches, and 15 samples were collected. The thickness of the OPC 989 section is 111 inches, and 23 samples were collected. The thickness of the OPC 990 section is 156 inches, and 15 samples were collected.

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

• The climate during the Raritan time ranged from subtropical to temperate. The few invertebrate fossils known from the formation at that time were believed to have lived in brackish waters. The fauna described by Stephenson (1954) and collected in a clay pit of the Sayre and Fisher Brick Company contained a new genus, nine new species and one new subspecies, and definitely belonged to a group of organisms which inhabited shallow marine water. Therefore, it appears that shallow marine conditions existed while at least part of the Raritan Formation was being deposited.
• The sediments of this area in New Jersey consist of sands, clays, beds of glauconite, limestones, and calcarceous sands. For the most part, the Raritan Formation is made up of alternating beds of clays and sands with local lignitic sediments and gravels. Near Woodbridge and Sayreville, New Jersey, the Raritan Formation consists of white clay which weathers red and grades laterally and vertically into dark-grey lignitic clay. The base of this dark clay is not exposed, but it is believed to be the bottom of the Woodbridge Clay Member. At Sayreville the upper portions of the Woodbridge Clay Member of the Raritan Formation contain impure siderite nodules.

Size class: microfossils

Preservation: original sporopollenin

Collection methods: surface (in situ), chemical,

• Fossil preservation in the Raritan sediments is fair to excellent. The palynological investigation of three sections of the Raritan Formation in New Jersey yielded 53 genera containing 87 species. Of the total assemblage, 2 genera and 36 species are considered new. The new forms are assigned binominal names and described in this paper. The following list is the phylogenetic grouping of the species of spores and pollen found in the Raritan Formation of New Jersey. The dominanat species are designated by an asterisk in the comments section.

Primary reference: A. Kimyai. 1966. New plant microfossils from the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in New Jersey. micropaleontology 12(4):461-476 [R. Lupia/T. Naeher/T. Naeher]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 34141: authorized by Rick Lupia, entered by Brooke Wilborn on 20.08.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Pinidae - Pinidae
Araucariacites australis Cookson 1947
Balmeisporites holodictyus Cookson and Dettmann 1958
Balmeisporites glenelgensis Cookson and Dettman 1958
 Cupressales - Pinidae
 Pinales - Taxaceae
 Pinales - Pinaceae
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podocarpidites ellipticus Cookson 1947 podocarp
Dacrycarpites dacrydioides podocarp
n. comb.
"Tsugaepollenites insuetus n. sp." = Callialasporites podocarp
Platysaccus radiatus n. sp. podocarp
 Chloranthales - Chloranthaceae
 Gunnerales -
 Proteales - Proteaceae
 Gleicheniales - Polypodiidae
 Schizaeales - Polypodiidae
  - Gleicheniaceae
 Marsileales -
 Ophioglossales - Ophioglossidae
 Sphaerocarpales -
Aequitriradites spinulosus Cookson and Dettmann 1958
  - Sphagnaceae
 Selaginellales -
Densoisporites perinatus Brenner 1963 clubmoss
Camarozonosporites rudis Klaus 1960 clubmoss
 Lycopodiales - Lycopodiaceae
 Gonyaulacales - Goniodomaceae
 Gonyaulacales - Gonyaulacaceae
Schizosporis parvus
Schizosporis parvus Cookson and Dettmann 1959
Schizosporis reticulatus
Schizosporis reticulatus Cookson and Dettmann 1959