Also known as Yelisseev locality, Grebenka flora
Where: Russian Federation (64.5° N, 168.9° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 69.0° N, 169.7° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate estimated from map
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Krivorechenskaya Formation, Albian to Albian (113.0 - 93.9 Ma)
• uppermost Albian to Cenomanian
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: crevasse splay; carbonaceous siltstone
•a small gulley formed by stream action.Site 9 is
•located at the base,with sites 10 ^13 at succes-
•sively higher levels up the gulley.Site 9 comprises
•a coarsening-upward succession (Fig.8).At the
•base,an organic-rich,ripple-drift cross-laminated
•and horizontally laminated siltstone occurs,which
•includes rootlets,3D preserved plant remains,and
•invertebrate trace fossils.The siltstone grades into
•a current rippled (A-ripples)and horizontally
•laminated coarse-grained sandstone,with £oating
•large plagioclase grains in a mud matrix at the
•top.This is followed abruptly by massively
•bedded mudstone,and massively bedded coarse-
•grained sandstone.Petrographical evidence and
•sedimentary context suggest that the increasing
•grain-size was caused by increased sedimentation
•on the £oodplain due to in £ux of volcanic ash
•(Figs.4Band 8).
Size class: macrofossils
Primary reference: R. A. Spicer, A. Ahlberg, A. B. Herman, S. P. Kelley, M. I. Raikevich and P. M. Rees. 2002. Palaeoenvironment and ecology of the middle Cretaceous Grebenka flora of northeastern Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 184:65-105 [D. Royer/D. Royer/D. Royer]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 34775: authorized by Dana Royer, entered by Dana Royer on 23.09.2003
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
Cycadopsida | |
Ginkgoopsida | |
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Polypodiopsida | |
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Equisetopsida | |
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Gnetopsida | |
Pityophyllum ex gr. staratchinii, "Pityophyllum ex gr. nordenskioldii" = Pityophyllum nordenskioeldi
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Pinopsida | |
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Angiospermae | |