Taimyr Amber, Nizhnyaya Agapa River (PIN collection 3426) (Cretaceous of Russian Federation)

Where: Russian Federation (70.1° N, 86.8° E: paleocoordinates 67.8° N, 60.6° E)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Dolgan Formation, Late/Upper Cenomanian (99.6 - 93.5 Ma)

Environment/lithology: fluvial; amber

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: soft parts, amber

Reposited in the PIN

Primary reference: A. P. Rasnitsyn. 1975. Hymenoptera Apocrita of Mesozoic. Transactions of the Palaeontological Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR 147:1-134 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 35051: authorized by Dena Smith, entered by April Kinchloe on 28.10.2003, edited by Jered Karr, Matthew Clapham and Lindy Edwards

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diptera -
? Thereotricha agapa n. sp.3 Blagoderov and Grimaldi 2004 fungus gnat
PIN 3426/256
 Diptera - Keroplatidae
Protognoriste amplicauda n. gen. n. sp.3
Protognoriste amplicauda n. gen. n. sp.3 Blagoderov and Grimaldi 2004 long beaked fungus gnat
PIN 3426/257
 Diptera - Hybotidae
Cretoplatypalpus archaeus n. gen. n. sp.11
Cretoplatypalpus archaeus n. gen. n. sp.11 Kovalev 1978 dance fly
PIN 3426/206, 207, 208
 Diptera - Phoridae
Agaphora rara n. gen. n. sp.17
Agaphora rara n. gen. n. sp.17 Mostovski 1999 scuttle fly
PIN 3426/249
 Diptera - Chaoboridae
Taimyborus aequiarticulatus n. gen. n. sp.14
Taimyborus aequiarticulatus n. gen. n. sp.14 Lukashevich 1999 phantom midge
PIN 3426/69
 Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
"Leptoconops boreus n. sp." = Leptoconops (Leptoconops) boreus8, Atriculicoides sp.20
"Leptoconops boreus n. sp." = Leptoconops (Leptoconops) boreus8 Kalugina 1991 biting midge
PIN 3426/119
Atriculicoides sp.20 Remm 1976 biting midge
PIN 3426/241, 242, 243, 244
 Psocodea - Psyllipsocidae
Globopsocus aquilonius n. gen. n. sp.2
Globopsocus aquilonius n. gen. n. sp.2 Azar and Engel 2008 cave barklouse
PIN 3426/209
 Psocodea - Empheriidae
Empherium rasnitsyni n. gen. n. sp.7
Empherium rasnitsyni n. gen. n. sp.7 Hakim et al. 2021 bark louse
PIN 3426/34
 Hymenoptera - Orussidae
Mesorussus taimyrensis n. gen. n. sp.19
Mesorussus taimyrensis n. gen. n. sp.19 Rasnitsyn 1977 parasitic wood wasp
PIN 3426/15
 Hymenoptera - Serphitidae
Microserphites parvulus n. gen. n. sp.12
Microserphites parvulus n. gen. n. sp.12 Kozlov and Rasnitsyn 1979 wasp
PIN 3426/31
 Hymenoptera - Gallorommatidae
"Palaeomymar agapa n. sp." = Galloromma agapa12
"Palaeomymar agapa n. sp." = Galloromma agapa12 Kozlov and Rasnitsyn 1979 wasp
PIN 3426/25, 18
 Hymenoptera - Baeomorphidae
Baeomorpha yantardakh6 Gumovsky 2017 chalcid wasp
PIN 3426/277
Baeomorpha zherikhini6 Gumovsky 2017 chalcid wasp
PIN 3426/258
 Hymenoptera - Maimetshidae
Cretogonalys taimyricus n. gen. n. sp.19
Cretogonalys taimyricus n. gen. n. sp.19 Rasnitsyn 1977 wasp
PIN 3426/205
 Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae
Eubaeus abdominalis n. sp.10, Agapteron popovi n. gen. n. sp.10, Agapia sukatchevae n. gen. n. sp.10
Eubaeus abdominalis n. sp.10 Kopylov 2012 ichneumon wasp
PIN 3426/187
Agapteron popovi n. gen. n. sp.10 Kopylov 2012 ichneumon wasp
PIN 3426/186
Agapia sukatchevae n. gen. n. sp.10 Kopylov 2012 ichneumon wasp
PIN 3426/185
 Hymenoptera - Evaniidae
Cretevania minuta n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1975 ensign wasp
PIN 3426/13
 Hymenoptera - Pemphredonidae
Cretoecus spinicoxa n. gen. n. sp.4
Cretoecus spinicoxa n. gen. n. sp.4 Budrys 1993 aphid wasp
PIN 3426/189
 Hymenoptera - Falsiformicidae
Falsiformica cretacea n. gen. n. sp.
Falsiformica cretacea n. gen. n. sp. Rasnitsyn 1975 wasp
PIN 3426/15, 16
 Hymenoptera - Dryinidae
"Laberius antiquus n. sp." = Dryinus antiquus18
"Laberius antiquus n. sp." = Dryinus antiquus18 Ponomarenko 1981 wasp
PIN 3426/221
 Coleoptera - Sphindidae
Trematosphindus kirejtshuki n. sp.13 Legalov et al. 2024 cryptic slime mold beetle
PIN 3426/258
 Coleoptera - Cerophytidae
Aphytocerus dolganicus n. sp.1 Zherikhin 1977 beetle
PIN 3426/35
 Neuroptera - Coniopterygidae
Coniopterygidae indet.15 Burmeister 1839 dustywing
PIN 3426/237-2, 238
Libanoconis siberica n. sp.15 Makarkin and Perkovsky 2019 dustywing
PIN 3426/237-1
 Trichoptera - Polycentropodidae
Archaeopolycentra longesilentia n. sp.16 Melnitsky and Ivanov 2022 caddisfly
PIN 3426/223
 Ephemeroptera - Baetidae
Palaeocloeon taimyricum n. gen. n. sp.9
Palaeocloeon taimyricum n. gen. n. sp.9 Kluge 1997 mayfly
 Araneae -
Araneomorphae indet.5 Smith 1902 spider
 Araneae - Segestriidae
? Segestriidae indet.5 Simon 1893 tube-dwelling spider