K32/f16, f16A (Devonian of New Zealand)

Where: North Westland, New Zealand (42.6° S, 171.6° E)

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Emsian (407.6 - 393.3 Ma)

• IMPORTANT!!!: These localities are from float block boulders, derived via alpine-glacial activity from a source probably around 6-8 km to the WSW. The boulders are similar sediments to those known as the "Reefton Group" and the source is thought to be a faulted outlier of Reefton Gp rocks 40 km to the north.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, silty, calcareous sandstone

• "Locally fossiliferous quartzite, calcareouos sandstone, and siltstone."

Collection methods: Make sure you see comments on stratigraphy.

Primary reference: M. R. Johnston, D. I. Mackinnon, and G. Mew. 1980. Early Devonian (Emsian) fossils from the Lake Haupiri area, North Westland. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 23:391-394 [J. Alroy/M. Sommers]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 3672: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Mike Sommers on 06.08.1999

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• Make sure you see comments on stratigraphy.
Bryozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1831
bryozoan fragment
 Rhynchonellida - Rhynchonellidae
Rhynchonellidae indet. Gray 1848
"rhynchonellid gen. et sp. indet."
 Rhynchonellida -
 Spiriferida -
Spiriferida indet. Waagen 1883
"acrospiriferid gen. et sp. indet."
 Terebratulida - Meganterididae
 Tentaculitida - Tentaculitidae
Tentaculites sp. von Schlotheim 1820