Also known as CR1
Where: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France (44.0° N, 6.2° E: paleocoordinates 44.2° N, 4.7° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Châteauredon Formation, Burdigalian to Burdigalian (20.4 - 13.8 Ma)
• fossil level in lower part of a 20-30 cm thick lignitic layer between marine layers. Late Burdigalian, N7/NN4.
•Bialkowski et al. 2006: The Tertiary series unconformably lays over the Early Creta- ceous substratum (marls and limestones alternations, marly sediments). They are composed of lagoonal to marine facies with some intercalations of continental deposits (Fig. 2a). The Châteauredon 1 micromammal site (CR1) has been discovered in a lignitic interval interbedded within grey marls and lacustrine carbonates (Lalaï, 1986). This site is placed on the composite section at 360 m by field correlation. Laterally and a few hundred of meters away from this site, some marine deposits contain benthic foraminifera that give an Aquitanian/Early Langhian age (Anglada in Lalaï, 1986). This micro-mammal fossil site is attributed to MN4 (Aguilar et al., 1999, 1996), a micromammal zone that covers the late Burdigalian/ Early Langhian interval. The occurrence of Avicennia pollen in this dark layer (Châteauneuf et al., in press; Jimenez- Moreno, 2005), gives an age range similar to that deduced from the micomammal fauna (Bessedik et Cabrera, 1985). The Châteauredon 1 site (MN4) corresponds to a mammal zone whose stratigraphic attribution is largely variable. According to the authors its extension varies between 16.5 to 17.5 Ma (Kempf et al., 1997) and 15.8 to 16.6 Ma (Agusti et al., 2001). The beginning of the zone is placed at 17.6 Ma by Aguilar and collaborators (2003).
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: lacustrine; lignite and sandy marl
Size class: mesofossils
Collection methods: bulk, sieve,
• Discovered by M. Dubar
Primary reference: D. Lalaï. 1986. Nouvelles faunes de rongeurs de la fin du Miocène inférieur en Provence. Implications géologiques et paléogéographiques. Palaeovertebrata 16(2):77-126 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano/J. Alroy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 37239: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Matthew Carrano on 08.03.2004
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list