JCUL154, Top Hut Lst Mbr, Quinton Fmn, Broken River Province, NE Queensland (Silurian of Australia)

Where: Queensland, Australia (20.0° S, 145.0° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 12.5° N, 109.0° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Top Hut Limestone Member (Quinton Formation), Telychian (438.5 - 433.4 Ma)

• Allochthonous limestones near the base of the Quinton Formation. Stratigraphic sequence of members is not clear. Age assignment based on graptolites.

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; shelly/skeletal, brown wackestone and shale

• "The limestones occur within predominantly siliciclastic turbiditic sediments, and consist of large slumped blocks, calcirudites and calcarenites. These were probably derived from contemporaneous shallow marine areas along the unstable N margin of a small, rapidly subsiding basin, which developed during the Early Silurian in a probably extensional tectonic setting."
• Siliciclastic sediments form the bulk of the Quinton Formation. Corals are from allochthonous limestone blocks. "The Top Hut Lst...consists of thinly interbedded, irregular to almost nodular limestone and rarer shale, and is host to a rich conodont and invertebrate fauna...The Lst is a yello-brown to dark brown crinoidal biomicrite, which has been partially to fully recrystallized. Bedding ranges from 1-2 cm to 1 or 2 m, and is strongly contorted in places; this contortion probably occurred during downslope slumping of the block."

Primary reference: T. J. Munson and J. S. Jell. 1999. Llandovery rugose corals from the Quinton Formation, Broken River Province, northeast Queensland. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 21:1-65 [M. Foote/M. Foote/M. Foote]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 39220: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 24.05.2004

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

• Most of the fauna is not well studied. This monograph is confined to rugose corals.
 Cystiphyllida - Tryplasmatidae
Stortophyllum sp. Wedekind 1927 horn coral
Tryplasma "sp. A" Lonsdale 1845 horn coral
 Cystiphyllida - Cystiphyllidae
 Stauriida - Pycnostylidae
 Stauriida - Amplexidae
? Lindstroemophyllum sp. Wang 1947 horn coral
 Stauriida - Ketophyllidae