Mygatt-Moore Quarry, upper siltstone (Jurassic to of the United States)

Also known as MWC Loc. 1.05.86, CO-21, "fish layer"

Where: Mesa County, Colorado (39.2° N, 109.0° W: paleocoordinates 35.3° N, 55.6° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Brushy Basin Member (Morrison Formation), Kimmeridgian to Kimmeridgian (157.3 - 145.0 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithified, red, blue siltstone and ash

• "hard, purplish, siltstone 21 cm thick" capped by a volcanic ash layer

Size class: macrofossils

Collected in 1981, 1990

Primary reference: P. Mygatt. 1991. The Mygatt-Moore Quarry, Rabbit Valley, Mesa County, Colorado. In W. R. Averett (ed.), Guidebook for Dinosaur Quarries and Tracksites Tour, Western Colorado and Eastern Utah 57-58 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 39421: authorized by Matthew Carrano, entered by Matthew Carrano on 28.05.2004

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Actinopterygii -
Actinopterygii indet.1 Cope 1887 ray-finned fish
"Hulettia" hawesi2 ray-finned fish
 Leptolepidiformes - Leptolepididae
cf. Leptolepis sp.2 Agassiz 1832
Gastropoda indet.1 Cuvier 1795 snail
 Decapoda -
Decapoda indet.1 Latreille 1802 decapod
  - Coccolepididae