Aizawl, Mizoram, India (Tiwari et al., 1997) (Miocene of India)

Where: Mizoram, India (23.7° N, 92.3° E: paleocoordinates 16.2° N, 93.6° E)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Upper Bhuban Formation (Surma Group), Early/Lower Miocene (23.0 - 16.0 Ma)

• The Upper Bhuban Formation of the Surma Group in Mizoram may be of Aquitanian-Burdigalian to Burdigalian age.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; brown, silty sandstone and pebbly, brown sandstone

• The faunal assemblage indicates a shallow marine environment of deposition.
• The section exposes rocks of Upper Bhuban Formation in which two crab-bearing horizons have been observed. The lower horizon comprises brown silty sandstones about 4.0 m thick and the upper horizon is .6 m thick of deep brown pebbly sandstones. Other associated fossils are bivalves, gastropods, echinoids and plates of barnacles. (Shark teeth and foraminifers are mentioned as well).

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: The specimens are housed in the Palaeontology Museum of the Department of Geology, Pachhunga University College in Mizoram.

Primary reference: R. P. Tiwari, G. Barman, and P.P. Satsangi. 1997. Miocene crabs from Mizoram, India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 42:127-132 [L. Ivany/C. Visaggi/C. Visaggi]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 42760: authorized by Linda Ivany, entered by Christy Visaggi on 05.08.2004

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Decapoda - Leucosiidae
"Ebalia tuberculata" = Ebalia noetlingi, Ebalia spinosa n. sp.
"Ebalia tuberculata" = Ebalia noetlingi Karasawa 2008 crab
Ebalia spinosa n. sp. Tiwari et al. 1997 crab
 Decapoda - Xanthidae
Xantho sp. Leach 1804 stone crab