USNM702a, Split Tank, Glass Mountains (Permian of the United States)

Also known as Reef 318

Where: Brewster County, Texas (30.4° N, 103.1° W: paleocoordinates 1.1° N, 33.3° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Cathedral Mountain Formation, Kungurian (279.3 - 272.3 Ma)

• 143-173 feet above base of Formation. Leonardian (Cathedralian).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified, fine-grained, green limestone

• Massive fine-grained greenish limestone abounding in small brachiopods together with some nautiloids.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: replaced with silica

Reposited in the USNM

Collection methods: bulk, chemical,

Primary reference: G. A. Cooper and R. E. Grant. 1972. Permian brachiopods of west Texas, I. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 14:1-231 [D. Bottjer/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 43492: authorized by David Bottjer, entered by Matthew Clapham on 14.08.2004

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• A variety of papers list the brachiopods, nearly all gastropods, most bivalves (except primarily Paleotaxodonts), trilobites, chitons, siliceous sponges, rugose corals (only from Gaptank and Asselian/Sakmarian formations).
 Conulariida - Conulariidae
"Conularia leonardensis" = Paraconularia leonardensis4
"Conularia leonardensis" = Paraconularia leonardensis4 Finks 1955 jellyfish
 Agelasida - Solenolmiidae
"Polysiphonia flabellata" = Polysiphonaria flabellata5
"Polysiphonia flabellata" = Polysiphonaria flabellata5 Finks 1995 demosponge
 Myalinida - Myalinidae
Elversella rugosa n. gen.7 McRoberts and Newell 2001 clam
 Pectinida - Heteropectinidae
Girtypecten sublaqueatus10 Girty 1909 scallop
 Pectinida - Annuliconchidae
Annuliconcha dentata10 Newell and Boyd 1995 scallop
 Pectinida - Aviculopectinidae
Obliquipecten granti10 Newell and Boyd 1995 scallop
 Pectinida - Pseudomonotidae
Pegmavalvula delicata9 Newell and Boyd 1970 scallop
 Pectinida - Streblochondriidae
Eocamptonectes papillatus10 Girty 1909 scallop
 Nautilida - Tainoceratidae
Metacoceras sp.8, "Metacoceras mutatum n. sp." = Pleuronautilus mutatus8, "Metacoceras cooperi n. sp." = Pleuronautilus cooperi8, "Metacoceras gregarium n. sp." = Pleuronautilus gregarius8
Metacoceras sp.8 Hyatt 1883
"Metacoceras mutatum n. sp." = Pleuronautilus mutatus8 Miller 1945
"Metacoceras cooperi n. sp." = Pleuronautilus cooperi8 Miller 1945
"Metacoceras gregarium n. sp." = Pleuronautilus gregarius8 Miller 1945
 Nautilida - Grypoceratidae
Stenopoceras inexpectans n. sp.8 Miller 1945
 Goniatitida - Vidrioceratidae
Stacheoceras rothi3 Miller and Furnish 1940 ammonite
 Euomphalina - Euomphalidae
Discotropis sulcifer11, "Straparollus (Euomphalus) kaibabensis" = Euomphalus kaibabensis11
Discotropis sulcifer11 Girty 1909 snail
Listed in taxonomic grid but not in species description
"Straparollus (Euomphalus) kaibabensis" = Euomphalus kaibabensis11 Chronic 1952 snail
 Euomphalina - Anomphalidae
Diploconula biconvexa11 Yochelson 1956 snail
 Neritoina - Neritopsidae
Byzantia obliqua n. gen.6 Kosnik 1997 snail
 Murchisoniina - Phymatopleuridae
Tapinotomaria crassa1 Batten 1958 snail
 Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae
Apachella exaggerata2 Batten 1989 snail
Shwedagonia elegans1 Batten 1956 snail
Ananias labrectus2 Batten 1989 snail
Ananias permianus2 Batten 1989 snail
"Glyptotomaria (Glyptotomaria) pistra" = Dictyotomaria pistra1 Batten 1958 snail
Ambozone dictyonema2 Batten 1989 snail
 Craniida - Craniidae
Acanthocrania sp.3 Williams 1943
 Terebratulida - Dielasmatidae
Dielasma perplexum3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Dielasma anterolatum3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Terebratulida - Notothyrididae
Chondronia bella3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Terebratulida - Cryptonellidae
Texarina wordensis3 King 1931
Heterelasma gibbosum3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Spiriferida - Elythidae
"Neophricadothyris sp." = Phricodothyris3, "Neophricadothyris bullata" = Permophricodothyris bullata3
"Neophricadothyris sp." = Phricodothyris3 George 1932
"Neophricadothyris bullata" = Permophricodothyris bullata3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Spiriferida - Martiniidae
Martinia miranda3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Spiriferida - Trigonotretidae
Neospirifer mansuetus3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Cartorhium latum3 King 1931
Lepidospirifer angulatus3 Cooper and Grant 1969
Lepidospirifer demissus3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Rhynchonellida - Rhynchoporidae
Rhynchopora hebetata3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Rhynchonellida - Petasmatheridae
Elassonia petila3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Rhynchonellida - Wellerellidae
Cenorhynchia mitigata3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Tautosia pulchra3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Rhynchonellida - Pontisiidae
Anteridocus erugatus3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Anteridocus gongylus3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Pontisia stehlii3 Cooper and Grant 1969
ssp. stehlii (VR) and ssp. tumidosa (C)
 Rhynchonellida - Stenoscismatidae
Stenoscisma sp.3 Conrad 1839
Stenoscisma doricranum3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Stenoscisma triquetrum3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Spiriferinida - Spiriferellinidae
Metriolepis tegulata3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Spiriferellina tricosa3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Spiriferinida - Reticulariinidae
Reticulariina craticula3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Reticulariina venustula3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Athyridida - Athyrididae
Composita sp.3 Brown 1849
Composita crassa3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Athyridida - Neoretziidae
Hustedia spicata3 Cooper and Grant 1976
Hustedia lusca3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Orthida - Rhipidomellidae
Rhipidomella hispidula3 Cooper and Grant 1976
 Orthida - Schizophoriidae
 Productida - Lyttoniidae
Pseudoleptodus sp.3 Stehli 1956
Choanodus irregularis3 Cooper and Grant 1974
Eolyttonia circularis3 Cooper and Grant 1974
Eolyttonia pocillata3 Cooper and Grant 1974
 Productida - Hercosiidae
Hercosia uddeni3 Bose 1916
 Productida - Linoproductidae
Megousia auriculata3 Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
 Productida - Productellidae
Echinauris irregularis3 Cooper and Grant 1975
Nudauris linospina3 Cooper and Grant 1975
Rugatia paraindica3 McKee 1938
 Productida - Productidae
 Productida - Aulostegidae
Chonosteges variabilis3 Cooper and Grant 1975
Xenosteges adherens3 Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Edriosteges multispinosus3 Muir-Wood and Cooper 1960
Rhamnaria tenuispinosa3 Cooper and Grant 1975
 Strophomenida - Rugosochonetidae
Dyoros (Tetragonetes) rectangulatus3 Cooper and Grant 1975
Dyoros (Lissosia) vagabundus3 Cooper and Grant 1975
 Orthotetida - Derbyiidae
Derbyia laqueata3 Cooper and Grant 1974
Diplanus lamellatus3 King 1931
 Orthotetida - Meekellidae
Niviconia globosa3 King 1931
Niviconia abrupta3 Cooper and Grant 1974
Meekella calathica3 Cooper and Grant 1974