Schneider Hills Limestone - Pujato Bluff, Argentina Range (Cambrian to of Antarctica)

Where: Antarctica (82.7° S, 42.9° W: paleocoordinates 14.1° S, 149.9° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Schneider Hills Limestone Formation, Atdabanian to Atdabanian (521.0 - 512.9 Ma)

• AGE: Early Cambrian (Late Atdabanian or Botomian) = Caerfai of Harland et al.

•SPECIFIC COMMENTS: Dark gray wackestone layer, 22 m below the base of the lower massive boundstone unit in the informal formation, the limestone of Schneider Hills.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: shallow subtidal; gray wackestone

• Interpreted to represent deposits that accumulated on or immediately seaward of an Early Cambrian shelf. The wackestone contain isolated pods of white boundstone, which have been regarded as small microbial reefs.
• Dark gray wackestone

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: replaced with pyrite, replaced with phosphate

Collection methods: bulk,

• Reposited in Kansas University Museum of Invertebrate Paleontology.

Primary reference: A. L. Rode, B.S. Lieberman, and A.J. Rowell. 2003. A new Early Cambrian bradoriid (Arthropoda) from East Antarctica. Journal of Paleontology 77(4):691-697 [A. Miller/A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 49081: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 07.04.2005

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Only contains single species of arthropod and one archaeocyathid.
 Bradoriida - Hipponicharionidae
"Bicarinella evansi" = Bicarinellata evansi
"Bicarinella evansi" = Bicarinellata evansi Rode et al. 2003
 Tommotiida - Kennardiidae
Dailyatia sp. Bischoff 1976