Where: Greenland (74.1° N, 23.0° W)
• Paleocoordinates: 17.4° N, 84.7° W (Wright 2013)
• coordinate estimated from map
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Bastion Formation, Dyeran (515.3 - 511.2 Ma)
• SPECIFIC COMMENTS: Collection is from the limestone unit, stratigraphically midway up the Bastion Formation. Same stratigraphic height as GGU 31805-7 and GGU 31835
•GENERAL COMMENTS: The Kloftelv Formation is overlain by the fossiliferous Bastion and Ella Island foramtions, both of middle Dyerian age (late Early Camrbian, equivalent of the Botomian). The Bastion Formation is 150 m thick at Athe Albert Heim Bjerge locality is mainly galuconite-rich sandstone and siltstone in the lower part and shale with minor carbonate in its upper part.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: limestone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: bulk, chemical, acetic, sieve,
• Rock samples were dissolve in buffered 10 percent acetic acid to retrieve acid-resistent microfossils. The resulting residues were sieved and the heavy mineral fraction separated using sodium polytungstate. All specimens are housed in the Geological Museum in Copenhagen (MGUH)
Primary reference: C. B. Skovsted and L.E. Holmer. 2005. Early Cambrian brachiopods from north-east Greenland. Palaeontology 48(2):325-345 [A. Miller/A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 49458: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 16.04.2005, edited by Pete Wagner and Sarah Tweedt
Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Echinodermata indet.4 Klein 1754 | |
Artiopoda | |
Calodiscus lobatus4 Hall 1847 | |
Trilobita | |
| |
Liangshanella sayutinae4 Melnikova 1988 | |
Indiana secunda4 Matthew 1895 | |
Albrunnicola sp.4 Martinsson 1979 | |
Microdictyon | |
Microdictyon sp.4 Bengston et al. 1981 | |
Brachiopoda | |
Setatella significans6 Skovsted et al. 2010 | |
Lingulata | |
Botsfordia caelata Hall 1847 | |
Hyolitha | |
Orthothecida indet.1 Marek 1966
Cupitheca holocyclata1 Bengtson et al. 1990 | |
Gracilitheca sp.1 Syssoiev 1968 | |
Triplicatella sp.4 Conway Morris 1990
Triplicatella "sp. A"5 Conway Morris 1990 | |
Conotheca australiensis1 Bengtson et al. 1990 | |
Hyolithida indet.1 Mathew 1962
Parkula bounites1 Bengtson et al. 1990 | |
"Similotheca bastionensis" = Similotheca bastionense1
"Similotheca bastionensis" = Similotheca bastionense1 Malinky and Skovsted 2004 | |
Helcionelloida | |
| |
Helcionelloidea indet.3 Wenz 1938 | |
Pelagiella subangulata3 Tate 1892 | |
"Mackinnonia rostrata" = Davidonia rostrata3 Zhou and Xiao 1984
"Mackinnonia taconica" = Davidonia taconica3 Landing and Bartowski 1996 | |
"Ocruranus tunuensis" = Emargimantus tunuensis2
"Ocruranus tunuensis" = Emargimantus tunuensis2 Peel and Skovsted 2005 | |
Hexactinellida | |
| |
Siphonoconcha | |
Apistoconcha sp.4 Bengtson et al. 1990 | |
Coleolidae | |
Cassitella sp.4 Malinky and Skovsted 2004
Cassitella baculata n. gen. n. sp.1 Malinky and Skovsted 2004 | |
Coleolus | |
Coleolus sp.1 Hall 1879 | |
Coeloscleritophora | |
Chancelloriidae indet.4 Walcott 1920
Eremactis conara4 Bengtson et al. 1990 | |
Hyolithellus micans4 Billings 1871 | |