GGU Collection 225565, Gustav Holm Dal (Cambrian of Greenland)

Also known as In front of Hans Tavsen Iskappe

Where: Peary Land, Greenland (82.4° N, 39.8° W: paleocoordinates 18.8° S, 45.7° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Holm Dal Formation (Tavsens Iskappe Group), Menevian (504.5 - 499.5 Ma)

• lowest part of formation

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: argillaceous mudstone

• Thin-bedded, argillaceous lime mudstones

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: GGU

Primary reference: J. S. Peel. 1988. Molluscs of the Holm Dal Formation (late Middle Cambrian), central North Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland, Geosciences 20(11):145-168 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 49482: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 17.04.2005

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Ptychopariida - Marjumiidae
 Ptychopariida - Catillicephalidae
Welleraspis newfoundlandensis Lochman 1938 trilobite
 Ptychopariida - Kingstoniidae
Kingstonia peltata Palmer and in Palmer and Peel 1981 trilobite
 Olenida - Cedariidae
 Olenida - Olenidae
 Corynexochida - Dorypygidae
 Agnostida - Agnostidae
 Agnostida - Peronopsidae