Where: Effingham County, Illinois (39.1° N, 88.6° W: paleocoordinates 4.5° S, 22.7° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Idiognathodus simulator conodont zone, Shumway Limestone Member (Mattoon Formation), Virgilian (303.7 - 298.9 Ma)
• Unit 10, 24-62 cm thick
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, fine-grained, gray limestone
Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils
Primary reference: M. H. Scheihing and R. L. Langenheim, Jr. 1980. Brachiopods of the suborder Strophomenidina from the Shumway Cyclothem, Mattoon Formation, Virgilian of Illinois. Journal of Paleontology 54(5):1017-1034 [W. Kiessling/S. Nurnberg/S. Nurnberg]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 49830: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Sabine Nürnberg on 28.04.2005, edited by Austin Hendy
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Anthozoa | |
Lophophyllidium proliferum McChesney 1860 horn coral | |
unclassified | |
| |
Echinoidea | |
? Archaeocidaris sp. M'Coy 1844 sea urchin | |
Bryozoa | |
| |
Rhynchonellata | |
Composita argentea Shepard 1838
Composita subtilita Hall 1852 | |
Wellerella tetrahedra Dunbar and Condra 1932 | |
| |
Crurithyris planoconvexa Shumard 1855 | |
"Phricodothyris perplexa" = Condrathyris perplexa
"Phricodothyris perplexa" = Condrathyris perplexa McChesney 1859 | |
Strophomenata | |
"Juresania nebrascensis" = Parajuresania nebrascensis, ? Pulchratia symmetrica
"Juresania nebrascensis" = Parajuresania nebrascensis Owen 1852 | |
? Linoproductus sp. Chao 1927 | |
"Antiquatonia cf. portlockiana" = Antiquatonia portlockianus, Kutorginella lasallensis
"Antiquatonia cf. portlockiana" = Antiquatonia portlockianus Norwood and Pratten 1855
Kutorginella lasallensis Worthen 1873 | |
Lissochonetes geinitzianus Waagen 1884
Neochonetes cf. granulifer Owen 1852 | |
"Derbya ? crassa" = Derbyia crassa
"Derbya ? crassa" = Derbyia crassa Meek and Hayden 1858 | |
Cephalopoda | |
"Pseudorthoceras knoxense" = Pseudorthoceras knoxense, "Mooreoceras ? normale" = Pseudorthoceras knoxense
"Pseudorthoceras knoxense" = Pseudorthoceras knoxense McChesney 1859
"Mooreoceras ? normale" = Pseudorthoceras knoxense McChesney 1859 | |
Tainoceras sexlineatum Tucker 1976 | |
Gastropoda | |
? Glabrocingulum sp. Thomas 1940 snail | |
"Ianthinopsis ? paludinaeformis" = Strobeus paludinaeformis, ? Ianthinopsis sp.
"Ianthinopsis ? paludinaeformis" = Strobeus paludinaeformis Hall 1858 snail
? Ianthinopsis sp. Meek and Worthen 1866 snail | |
"Straparolus (Amphiscapha) subrugosus" = Amphiscapha subrugosa
"Straparolus (Amphiscapha) subrugosus" = Amphiscapha subrugosa Meek and Worthen 1873 snail | |
Euphemites carbonarius Cox 1857 snail | |
Bivalvia | |
? Lithophaga subelliptica Sayre 1931 mussel
Volsellina subelliptica Meek 1867 mussel | |
Pernopecten ohioensis Newell 1938 scallop | |
"Lima retifera" = Palaeolima retifera
"Lima retifera" = Palaeolima retifera Shumard and Swallow 1858 file clam | |
Streblochondria sp. Newell 1938 scallop | |
Trilobita | |
Ditomopyge scitula Meek and Worthen 1865 trilobite | |
Deuteropoda | |
Ostracoda indet. Latreille 1802 ostracod | |
Foraminifera | |
"Foraminiferida indet." = Foraminifera