Bigby-Cannon (Cannon) - Wilson, 1949 (Ordovician of the United States)

Where: Tennessee (35.5° N, 86.5° W: paleocoordinates 28.1° S, 66.4° W)

• basin-level geographic resolution

When: Cannon Member (Bigby-Cannon Limestone Formation), Shermanian (457.3 - 449.6 Ma)

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: shallow subtidal; lithified, bioturbated, phosphatic, shelly/skeletal, gray packstone and wackestone

• Geologic information from field notes of S.M. Holland and M.E. patzkowksy
• fossils collected primarily from shallow subtidal facies: medium-bedded skeletal wackestone and packstone; highly bioturbated, dark colored, phosphatic. some fossils occur in peritidal facies, which are lithologically similar, but thinner bedded and fenestral.

Preservation: original calcite, replaced with calcite

Primary reference: C. W. Wilson. 1949. Pre-Chattanooga stratigraphy in Central Tennessee. Tennessee Division of Geology Bulletin 56:1-415 [S. Holland/S. Holland]more details

PaleoDB collection 5361: authorized by Steven Holland, entered by Steven Holland on 27.09.1999, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Wilson presents a list culled from that of Bassler (1932) - Wilson removed those taxa that were most likely from the Catheys
  - Solenoporaceae
"Tetradium fibratum" = Prismostylus fibratum
"Tetradium fibratum" = Prismostylus fibratum Safford 1856
 Stauriida - Columnariidae
Columnaria alveolata Goldfuss 1826 horn coral
 Streptosclerophorida - Hindiidae
Hindia parva demosponge
 Megalithistida - Saccospongiidae
 Labechiida - Stromatoceriidae
Stromatocerium pustulosum stromatoporoid sponge
 Leperditicopida - Isochilinidae
 Trepostomata - Aisenvergiidae
 Strophomenida - Rafinesquinidae
 Strophomenida - Strophomenidae
 Rhynchonellida - Orthorhynchulidae
 Rhynchonellida - Rhynchotrematidae
Rhynchotrema increbescens Hall 1847
misspelled by Wilson as Rhyncotrema
 Orthida - Plectorthidae
 Cyrtodontida - Cyrtodontidae
Cyrtodonta grandis Ulrich 1890 clam
 Bellerophontida - Bellerophontidae
"Bellerophon troosti" = Sphenosphaera troosti, "Bellerophon clausus" = Sphenosphaera rogersensis
"Bellerophon troosti" = Sphenosphaera troosti de Ferrusac and d'Orbigny 1840 snail
misspelled by Wilson as Bellerphon
"Bellerophon clausus" = Sphenosphaera rogersensis Foerste 1914 snail
 Bellerophontida - Temnodiscidae
"Oxydiscus subacutus" = Alaskadiscus subacutus
"Oxydiscus subacutus" = Alaskadiscus subacutus Ulrich and Scofield 1897 snail
 Murchisoniina - Hormotomidae
 Murchisoniina - Murchisoniidae
"Hormotoma salteri" = Cyrtostropha salteri
"Hormotoma salteri" = Cyrtostropha salteri Ulrich and Scofield 1897 snail
 Murchisoniina - Lophospiridae
Paupospira burginensis, "Lophospira saffordi" = Paupospira oweni, "Lophospira bowdeni" = Paupospira bowdeni, "Lophospira sumnerensis" = Paupospira sumnerensis
Paupospira burginensis Ulrich and Scofield 1897 snail
"Lophospira saffordi" = Paupospira oweni Ulrich and Scofield 1897 snail
"Lophospira bowdeni" = Paupospira bowdeni Safford 1869 snail
"Lophospira sumnerensis" = Paupospira sumnerensis Safford 1869 snail