La Butte de Gazonfier, Le Mans (Sables et Grès du Mans) (Cretaceous of France)

Where: France (48.0° N, 0.2° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 44.0° N, 16.1° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• hand sample-level geographic resolution

When: Turrilites costatus ammonoid zone, Le Mans Formation, Middle Cenomanian (99.6 - 93.5 Ma)

• Rhotomagense zone, Costatus sub-zone; Sables et Grès du Mans

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: coastal; poorly lithified claystone and poorly lithified sandstone

• Estuarine or shallow marine near the mouth of rivers

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by Edouard Guéranger

Collection methods: quarrying, mechanical,

• Repository: Musée Vert, Natural History Museum of Le Mans

Primary reference: G. Breton. 1995. Tethyaster guerangeri sp. nov. (Astropectinidae, Asteroidea, Echinodermata) : deux spécimens d'astérides d'une conservation exceptionnelle du cénomanien du Mans (Sarthe, France). Bulletin trimestriel de la Société géologique de Normandie et des Amis du Muséum du Havre 82(4):17-29 [L. Villier/L. Villier/J. Millet]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 59791: authorized by Loic Villier, entered by Loic Villier on 12.04.2006, edited by Matthew Clapham and Anya Dalal

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Decapoda - Cenomanocarcinidae
Cenomanocarcinus inflatus1 van Straelen 1936 crab
 Isopoda - Stenetriidae
Eostenetrium guerangeri n. gen. n. sp.2
Eostenetrium guerangeri n. gen. n. sp.2 Wilson and Morel 2022 isopod
 Isopoda - Idoteidae
Mesozoidotea gazonfierensis n. gen. n. sp.2 Wilson and Morel 2022 isopod
 Isopoda - Chaetiliidae
Protochaetilia delaunayi n. gen. n. sp.2
Protochaetilia delaunayi n. gen. n. sp.2 Wilson and Morel 2022 isopod
 Isopoda - Lantoceramiidae
Lantoceramia ooeida n. gen. n. sp.2
Lantoceramia ooeida n. gen. n. sp.2 Wilson and Morel 2022 isopod
 Isopoda - Cirolanidae
Brunnaega labuttensis n. sp.2 Wilson and Morel 2022 pill bug
 Isocrinida - Isocrinidae
"Pentacrinus cenomanensis" = Isocrinus cenomanensis
"Pentacrinus cenomanensis" = Isocrinus cenomanensis d'Orbigny 1850 Sea lily
 Comatulida - Notocrinidae
Glenotremites paradoxus Goldfuss 1829 Feather star
 Ophiurida - Ophiuridae
"Ophiura" cretacea Guéranger 1853 brittle star
 Valvatida - Goniasteridae
Cenomanaster cenomanensis Guéranger 1853 sea star
 Paxillosida - Astropectinidae
Tethyaster guerangeri n. sp. Breton 1995 sea star
 Euechinoidea - Pseudodiadematidae
Tetragramma sp. Agassiz 1840 sea urchin