USGS 14150. cutbank near head of Kiruktagiak River (Carboniferous of the United States)

Also known as 53APA 105

Where: Alaska (68.3° N, 152.9° W: paleocoordinates 27.3° N, 19.5° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Chert-shale Member (Alapah Formation), Holkerian (346.7 - 340.0 Ma)

• Goniatites crenistria zone

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, cherty/siliceous shale

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the USNM

Primary reference: E. L. Yochelson and J.T. Dutro. 1960. Late Paleozoic Gastropoda from northern Alaska. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 334(D):111-147 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 59932: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 21.04.2006

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae
Nodospira ornata n. gen. n. sp.
Nodospira ornata n. gen. n. sp. Yochelson and Dutro 1960 snail