Well 13a Hendry County (Pliocene of the United States)

Where: Hendry County, Florida (26.7° N, 80.9° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 27.3° N, 79.5° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate estimated from map

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Tamiami Formation, Pliocene (5.3 - 2.6 Ma)

• Determined from cores from test wells drilled by US Corps of Engineers in 1950

•0 ft below sea level

•Age determination revised in more recent papers (see Lithostratigraphy, Petrography,

•Biostratigraphy, and Strontium-Isotope

•Stratigraphy of the Surficial Aquifer System

•of Western Collier County, Florida, Edwards et al., 1998, USGS Open-File Report 98-205)

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; shelly/skeletal, silty, sandy marl

• Changes laterally from shelly marl to soft silty limestone to the silty sand and clayey marl

Size class: mesofossils

Collection methods: core

• observed from cores

Primary reference: M. C. Schroeder and H. Klein. 1954. Geology of the Western Everglades Area, Southern Florida. United States Geological Survey Circular 314 [A. Miller/K. Bulinski/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 75011: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Kate Bulinski on 13.09.2007

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Ostreida - Ostreidae
"Ostrea sculpturata" = Conradostrea sculpturata
"Ostrea sculpturata" = Conradostrea sculpturata Conrad 1840 oyster
 Cardiida - Veneridae
Chione cancellata Linnaeus 1767 venus clam
 Lucinida - Lucinidae
"Phacoides (Parvilucina) multilineatus" = Parvilucina multistriata, "Phacoides (Lucinisca) cribarius" = Lucina (Lucinisca)
"Phacoides (Parvilucina) multilineatus" = Parvilucina multistriata Conrad 1841 clam
"Phacoides (Lucinisca) cribarius" = Lucina (Lucinisca) clam
 Neogastropoda - Columbellidae
Mitrella sp. Risso 1826 snail
 Neogastropoda - Turridae
Pleuroliria sp. Gregario 1890 turrid
 Neogastropoda - Terebridae
"Terebra dislocata" = Strioterebrum dislocatum
"Terebra dislocata" = Strioterebrum dislocatum Say 1822 auger snail
 Neogastropoda - Olividae
Olivella sp. Swainson 1831 olive snail
 Cerithioidea - Turritellidae
Turritella sp. Lamarck 1799 turret shell
 Neotaenioglossa - Calyptraeidae
Crepidula fornicata Linnaeus 1758 slipper shell
 Heterostropha - Acteonidae
Acteon sp. Montfort 1810 snail