Mossen Formation. Bed 62.96-63.08 (Ordovician of Sweden)

Where: Vastergotland, Sweden (58.0° N, 12.0° E: paleocoordinates 33.7° S, 8.9° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• hand sample-level geographic resolution

When: Mossen Formation, Caradoc (458.4 - 449.5 Ma)

• Listed as Middle Caradoc

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: deep subtidal shelf; lithified, glauconitic, gray, argillaceous limestone and lithified, lenticular limestone

• Environment listed as Deep Mid-shelf
• Dark gray, slightly argillaceous and glauconitic limestone with irregular beds (lenses?) of harder, bluish dark-gray, almost compact limestone

Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils

Collection methods: 7 cm diameter core sample, but with some vertical averaging; equivalent to Estonian age Eh according to Sheehan, 1979: 64

Primary reference: P. Thorslund. 1948. The Chasmops Series of the Kullatorp Core. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala, New Series 32:343-373 [P. Novack-Gottshall/P. Hearn]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 76901: authorized by Phil Novack-Gottshall, entered by Paul Hearn on 07.12.2007

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Bothocypris spp.
Listed as Bothocypris spp."
 Palaeocopida - Ctenonotellidae
 Palaeocopida - Euprimitiidae
 Palaeocopida - Hollinidae
 Palaeocopida - Conchoprimitiidae
Conchoprimitia spp. Opik 1935 ostracod
Listed as Conchoprimitia spp.
Trilobita indet. Walch 1771 trilobite
"very small, peculiar trilobites"
 Trinucleida - Trinucleidae
Tretaspis ceriodes Angelin 1854 trilobite