Lena River, Oy-Muran (Kokoulinsk) bioherm complex, unit 9-10 bioherm 2 (Cambrian of Russian Federation)

Also known as Reef 1745

Where: Yakutiya, Russian Federation (61.0° N, 126.1° E: paleocoordinates 10.3° S, 13.9° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Pestrotsvet Formation, Atdabanian (521.0 - 516.0 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified limestone

• central part of the complex

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: I. T. Zhuravleva. 1972. Rannekembriyskiye fatsialnyye kompleksy arkheotsiat (r. Lena, sredneye techeniye) [Lower Cambrian archaeocyath complexes (middle Lena River)]. in I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Problemy biostratigrafii i paleontologii nizhnego kembriya Sibiri [Lower Cambrian biostratigraphical and paleontological problems of Siberia] 31-109 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel/U. Merkel]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 81214: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Uta Merkel on 11.06.2008

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Capsulocyathida - Coscinocyathidae
Coscinocyathus sp. Bornemann 1884 archaeocyath sponge
Coscinocyathus dianthus archaeocyath sponge
 Archaeocyathida -
Sphinctocyathus sp. Zhuravleva 1962 archaeocyath sponge
 Archaeocyathida - Archaeocyathidae
"Archaeofungia suvorovae" = Pycnoidocyathus, "Archaeofungia sp." = Pycnoidocyathus
"Archaeofungia suvorovae" = Pycnoidocyathus archaeocyath sponge
"Archaeofungia sp." = Pycnoidocyathus Taylor 1910 archaeocyath sponge
 Archaeocyathida - Anthomorphidae
Anthomorpha sp. Bornemann 1884 archaeocyath sponge
 Archaeocyathida - Loculicyathidae
"Robustocyathus novus" = Cambrocyathellus, "Robustocyathus sp." = Cambrocyathellus
"Robustocyathus novus" = Cambrocyathellus archaeocyath sponge
"Robustocyathus sp." = Cambrocyathellus archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Jakutocarinidae
"Jakutocyathus jakutensis" = Jakutocarinus jakutensis
"Jakutocyathus jakutensis" = Jakutocarinus jakutensis Zhuravleva 1960 archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Ethmophyllidae
Ethmophyllum rossicum archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Geocyathidae
Geocyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Tumulocyathidae
"Tumulocyathus sp." = Tumulocyathus, "Kotuyicyathus kotuyikensis" = Tumulocyathus
"Tumulocyathus sp." = Tumulocyathus archaeocyath sponge
"Kotuyicyathus kotuyikensis" = Tumulocyathus archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Ajacicyathidae
Ajacicyathus sp. Bedford and Bedford 1939 archaeocyath sponge
? Ajacicyathus biohermicus archaeocyath sponge
Nochoroicyathus kokoulini archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Lenocyathidae
Lenocyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge
Lenocyathus lenaicus archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Dokidocyathellidae
Dokidocyathella incognita archaeocyath sponge
Dokidocyathella sp. Zhuravleva 1960 archaeocyath sponge
 Monocyathida - Monocyathidae
Archaeolynthus sp. Taylor 1910 archaeocyath sponge
 Monocyathida - Tumuliolynthidae
Tumuliolynthus tubexternus archaeocyath sponge
Tumuliolynthus sp. Zhuravleva 1963 archaeocyath sponge