Where: Khakasiya, Russian Federation (54.2° N, 90.8° E: paleocoordinates 9.6° S, 6.2° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Thalamocyathus howelli other zone, Usa Formation, Atdabanian (521.0 - 516.0 Ma)
• sample C-63, C-65, C-67, C-69, 93 m thick, Bazaikha stage
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: perireef or subreef; lithified limestone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: peel or thin section,
Primary reference: D. V. Osadchaya, L. N. Kashina, I. T. Zhuravleva and N. P. Borodina. 1979. Stratigrafiya i arkheotsiaty nizhnego kembriya Altaye-Sayanskoy skladchatoy oblasti [Lower Cambrian stratigraphy and archaeocyatha of the Altay-Sayan fold belt]. Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoye Otdeleniye 380:1-215 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 81327: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Uta Merkel on 20.06.2008
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Trilobita | |
Basanellus latus trilobite | |
"Bigotinops cf. privus" = Suvorovaella priva
"Bigotinops cf. privus" = Suvorovaella priva Suvorova 1960 trilobite | |
Asiatella elegans trilobite
Kijanella sp. Repina 1958 trilobite
Kijanella diffusica trilobite
Kijanella batenica trilobite | |
Resimopsis marlinica trilobite | |
Mundocephalina sp. Repina 1958 trilobite | |
Archaeocyatha | |
Coscinocyathus sp. Bornemann 1884 archaeocyath sponge
Coscinocyathus cornucopiae archaeocyath sponge | |
Loculicyathus sp., "Robustocyathus directus" = Cambrocyathellus, "Robustocyathus sp." = Cambrocyathellus, "Robustocyathus patulus" = Cambrocyathellus, "Robustocyathus cf. robustus" = Cambrocyathellus robustus
Loculicyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge
"Robustocyathus directus" = Cambrocyathellus archaeocyath sponge
"Robustocyathus sp." = Cambrocyathellus archaeocyath sponge
"Robustocyathus patulus" = Cambrocyathellus archaeocyath sponge
"Robustocyathus cf. robustus" = Cambrocyathellus robustus Vologdin 1937 archaeocyath sponge | |
Protopharetra grandicaveata archaeocyath sponge | |
Tumuliolynthus tubexternus archaeocyath sponge | |
Archaeolynthus sibiricus archaeocyath sponge
Archaeolynthus nalivkini archaeocyath sponge
Archaeolynthus unimurus archaeocyath sponge | |
Kijacyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge | |
"Tumulocyathus pustulatus" = Tumulocyathus, "Kotuyicyathus sp." = Tumulocyathus, "Tumulocyathellus sp." = Plicocyathus
"Tumulocyathus pustulatus" = Tumulocyathus archaeocyath sponge
"Kotuyicyathus sp." = Tumulocyathus archaeocyath sponge
"Tumulocyathellus sp." = Plicocyathus Vologdin 1960 archaeocyath sponge | |
Geocyathus indigenus archaeocyath sponge | |
Subtumulocyathellus vulgaris n. gen. n. sp.
Subtumulocyathellus vulgaris n. gen. n. sp. Osadchaya et al. 1979 archaeocyath sponge | |
Degeletticyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge
"Ussuricyathus sp." = Mackenziecyathus archaeocyath sponge
Baikalocyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge | |
Leptosocyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge | |
Thalamocyathus howelli archaeocyath sponge
Thalamocyathus subhowelli archaeocyath sponge
Gordonicyathus sp. Zhuravleva 1959 archaeocyath sponge | |
Sibirecyathus sp., Orbicyathus sp., Rotundocyathus proscurjakovi, Rotundocyathus cf. khemtschikensis, Rotundocyathus tomicus, Rotundocyathus sp., Orbicyathellus bogradi, "Nochoroicyathus cf. spinosus" = Nochoroicyathus, "Nochoroicyathus sp." = Nochoroicyathus, "Aldanocyathus sp." = Nochoroicyathus, "Aldanocyathus amplus" = Nochoroicyathus, Nochoroicyathus howelli, Nochoroicyathus diadromus n. sp.
Sibirecyathus sp. Vologdin 1937 archaeocyath sponge
Orbicyathus sp. Vologdin 1937 archaeocyath sponge
Rotundocyathus proscurjakovi archaeocyath sponge
Rotundocyathus cf. khemtschikensis archaeocyath sponge
Rotundocyathus tomicus archaeocyath sponge
Rotundocyathus sp. Vologdin 1960 archaeocyath sponge
Orbicyathellus bogradi Zadorozhnaya et al. 1973 archaeocyath sponge
"Nochoroicyathus cf. spinosus" = Nochoroicyathus archaeocyath sponge
"Nochoroicyathus sp." = Nochoroicyathus Zhuravleva 1951 archaeocyath sponge
"Aldanocyathus sp." = Nochoroicyathus Zhuravleva 1951 archaeocyath sponge
"Aldanocyathus amplus" = Nochoroicyathus archaeocyath sponge
Nochoroicyathus howelli Vologdin 1940 archaeocyath sponge
Nochoroicyathus diadromus n. sp. Osadchaya et al. 1979 archaeocyath sponge | |
Formosocyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge
Irinaecyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge
Irinaecyathus optimus archaeocyath sponge | |
? Nevadacyathus sp. Okulitch 1943 archaeocyath sponge | |
Dokidocyathus sp. Taylor 1910 archaeocyath sponge |