Quarry Flotsberg, Brilon (Devonian of Germany)

Also known as Reef 1462

Where: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (51.4° N, 8.6° E: paleocoordinates 21.7° S, 7.9° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Brilon Massenkalk Formation, Late/Upper Givetian (380.2 - 382.7 Ma)

• Upper Givetian

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified floatstone and lithified bafflestone

• biostromes in a lagoonal environment
• dark grey floatstones and bafflestones

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: peel or thin section,

Primary reference: A. May. 1987. Der Massenkalk (Devon) nördlich von Brilon (Sauerland) [The Devonian Massenkalk north of Brilon (Sauerland)]. Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen 10:51-84 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel/U. Merkel]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 82486: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Uta Merkel on 28.07.2008

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Ostracoda indet. Latreille 1802 ostracod
 Stauriida - Phillipsastreidae
Pexiphyllum ex gr. rectum horn coral
ex gr. rectum-heterophylloides
 Stauriida - Disphyllidae
Disphyllum caespitosum Goldfuss 1826 horn coral
 Auloporida - Syringoporidae
Caunopora sp. Phillips 1841 tabulate coral
Caunopora placenta tabulate coral
Roemerolites tenuis tabulate coral
 Favositida - Coenitidae
 Favositida - Alveolitidae
Alveolites sp. Lamarck 1801 tabulate coral
Alveolites suborbicularis Lamarck 1801 tabulate coral
subsp. suborbicularis
Scoliopora denticulata Milne-Edwards and Haime 1851 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Pachyporidae
Thamnopora sp. Steininger 1831 tabulate coral
Thamnopora micropora tabulate coral
 Stromatoporida - Stromatoporidae
Stromatopora cygnea Stearn 1963 stromatoporoid sponge
 Stromatoporellida - Stromatoporellidae
Stromatoporella sp. Nicholson 1886 stromatoporoid sponge
Stromatoporella cf. laminata stromatoporoid sponge
Stromatoporella laminata stromatoporoid sponge
 Stromatoporellida - Trupetostromatidae
Trupetostroma sp. Parks 1936 stromatoporoid sponge
 Syringostromatida - Stachyoditidae
Stachyodes sp. Bargatzky 1881 stromatoporoid sponge
Stachyodes (Keega) jonelrayi Stearn 1975 stromatoporoid sponge
 Fusulinina - Bisphaeridae