Saratov region, Bureg-Voronezh stage (Devonian of Russian Federation)

Also known as Reef 3877

Where: Saratovskaya Oblast, Russian Federation (51.4° N, 47.1° E: paleocoordinates 0.7° S, 21.8° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Late/Upper Frasnian (379.5 - 376.1 Ma)

• Bureg and Voronezh stage, Upper Frasnian

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified limestone

• stromatoporoid-coral reefs

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: S. V. Yatskevich. 1975. Rifogennyye obrazovaniya devona Saratovskogo povolzhya [Devonian reef development of the Saratov Volga region]. in G. F. Krasheninnikov, ed., Litologiya i paleogeografiya biogermnykh massivov (iskopayemykh i sovremennykh) [Lithology and paleogeography of bioherm massifs] 86-93 [W. Kiessling/U. Merkel]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 84366: authorized by Wolfgang Kiessling, entered by Uta Merkel on 13.10.2008

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Stauriida - Phillipsastreidae
 Favositida - Alveolitidae
Alveolites sp. Lamarck 1801 tabulate coral
 Favositida - Pachyporidae
Cladopora sp. Hall 1851 tabulate coral
 Stromatoporoidea -
Stromatoporoidea indet. stromatoporoid sponge
 Amphiporida - Amphiporidae
Amphipora sp. Schulz 1883 stromatoporoid sponge