GSC 7591a, Loc. D8, NE shore Maude Island (D) (Cretaceous of Canada)

Where: British Columbia, Canada (53.2° N, 132.0° W: paleocoordinates 22.8° N, 113.0° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Brewericeras huluense ammonoid zone, Haida Formation, Early/Lower Albian (112.0 - 109.0 Ma)

• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From the lower sandstone member of the Haida Fm, which rests with apparent unconformity on the Jurassic Yakoun Fm, and is overlain by the shale member, which passes up into the Honna Fm. AGE: Albian, on the basis of ammonite biostratigraphy. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Presumably near the middle of the local section.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: coastal; lithified, concretionary, gray, green sandstone

• ENVIRONMENT: not stated in text, but apparently shallow marine siliciclastic.
• SPECIFIC LITHOLOGY: Grey and greenish, feldspathic sandstone, occasionally concretionary. LITHIFICATION: Lithified, on the basis of facies description and figured specimens.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Collected by McLearn; reposited in the GSC


Primary reference: F. H. McLearn. 1972. Ammonoids of the lower Cretaceous sandstone member of the Haida Formation, Skidgate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, western British Columbia. Geological Bulletin of Canada Bulletin 188:1-78 [A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 87497: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 18.03.2009

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• COVERAGE: Exhaustive for ammonoids, but other groups not listed. NOMENCLATURE: Authoritative publication with slightly antiquated nomenclature, but with species resolution identifications.
 Ammonitida - Douvilleiceratidae
Douvilleiceras spiniferum Whiteaves 1876 ammonite
 Ammonitida - Desmoceratidae
Brewericeras hulenense Anderson 1938 ammonite
Parasilesites laperousianus Whiteaves 1876 ammonite
Puzosia sp. Bayle 1878 ammonite
 Ammonitida - Tetragonitidae
Tetragonites subtimotheanus Wiedmann 1962 ammonite
Anagaudryceras sacya Forbes 1846 ammonite
 Phylloceratida - Phylloceratidae