Locality VI, Potosi Formation, Jefferson-Washington County line - Stinchcomb 198 (Cambrian of the United States)

Where: Washington County, Missouri (38.6° N, 90.7° W: paleocoordinates 22.7° S, 85.7° W)

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Potosi Formation, Trempealeauan (492.5 - 485.4 Ma)

• The dolomite in which the fossils occur may or may not be in place stratigraphically. So, a rating of A through F indicates stratigraphic reliability with A = no question as to stratigraphic position of horizon and F = residual material of different ages. Reliability Index B

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified, cherty/siliceous dolomite

• Strata are in pockets of the Ozark Uplift.
• thick, cherty dolomite with digitate stromatolites

Preservation: original calcite, replaced with silica

Primary reference: B. L. Stinchcomb. 1986. New Monoplacophora (Mollusca) from Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician of Missouri. Journal of Paleontology 60(3):606-626 [M. Patzkowsky/P. Borkow/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 8905: authorized by Mark Patzkowsky, entered by Phil Borkow on 06.09.2000, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Taxonomic list may not include some hyperstrophic gastropods, undescribed trilobites and stromatolites which are found in the formation but not collected.
 Tryblidiida - Tryblidiidae
Proplina suttoni n. sp. Stinchcomb 1986
 Kiringellida - Hypseloconidae
Gayneoconus echolsi n. gen. n. sp.1
Gayneoconus echolsi n. gen. n. sp.1 Stinchcomb and Angeli 2002
type locality
 Kiringellida -
Hypseloconus bessemerense2 Ulrich et al. 1943
 Mimospirida - Onychochilidae
Scaevogyra swezeyi2 Whitfield 1878
 Ptychopariida - Plethopeltidae
"Plethopeltis sp." = Plethopeltis2, "Plethometopus sp." = Plethopeltis2
"Plethopeltis sp." = Plethopeltis2 Raymond 1913 trilobite
"Plethometopus sp." = Plethopeltis2 Raymond 1913 trilobite
 Asaphida - Dikelocephalidae
Calvinella "n. sp."2 Walcott 1914 trilobite