Locality 8 (Lords Hill Ravine), Stereolasma shales, Mottville Member, Onondaga C (Devonian of the United States)

Where: Onondaga County, New York (42.9° N, 76.2° W: paleocoordinates 36.9° S, 23.9° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Mottville Member (Skaneateles Formation), Givetian (387.7 - 382.7 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: transition zone or lower shoreface; shelly/skeletal, gray, calcareous shale

• gray fossiliferous, calcareous shale

Collection methods: bulk, surface (in situ),

Primary reference: T. X. Grasso. 1986. Redefinition, Stratigraphy and Depostional Environments of the Mottville Member (Hamilton Group) in Central and Eastern New York. In E. Landing, C. E. Brett (eds.), Dynamic Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian) in New York State, Part I 457:5-31 [A. Miller/K. Layou/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 8927: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Karen Layou on 07.09.2000

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• The relative abundance of each fossil taxon was established in the field by estimating the number of specimens observed in one hour from each richly fossiliferous horizon. The abundance of each taxon was then assigned a code number as follows: (1) 1 to 3 specimens, (2) 4 to 12 specimens, (3) 13 to 50 specimens, (4) 50 to 200 specimens, (5) 200 to 800 specimens, (6) over 800 specimens
 Cryptostomata - Fenestellidae
Fenestella sp. Lonsdale 1839
 Spiriferida - Ambocoeliidae
Ambocoelia sp. Hall 1860
 Atrypida - Atrypidae
Spinatrypa sp. Stainbrook 1951
 Athyridida - Nucleospiridae
Nucleospira sp. Hall 1859
 Orthida - Rhipidomellidae
 Strophomenida -
"Chonetacea indet." = Chonetoidea
"Chonetacea indet." = Chonetoidea Bronn 1862
 Murchisoniina - Eotomariidae
Bembexia sp. Oehlert and Oehlert 1888 snail
 Murchisoniina - Loxonematidae
"Paleozygopleura (Loxonema) sp." = Rhabdostropha
"Paleozygopleura (Loxonema) sp." = Rhabdostropha Donald 1905 snail
Paleozygopleura (Loxonema)
 Euomphalina - Platyceratidae
Platyceras sp. Conrad 1840 snail
 Orthocerida - Orthoceratidae
Orthoceras sp. Breynius 1832
 Goniatitida - Tornoceratidae
Tornoceras sp. Hyatt 1884 ammonite
 Proetida - Proetidae
Proetus sp. Steininger 1831 trilobite
 Phacopida - Phacopidae
"Phacops rana" = Eldredgeops rana
"Phacops rana" = Eldredgeops rana Green 1832 trilobite
 Stauriida - Stereolasmatidae
Amplexiphyllum sp. Stumm 1949 horn coral
Stereolasma sp. Simpson 1900 horn coral
 Auloporida - Aulocystidae
Aulocystis sp. Schlüter 1885 tabulate coral