Windom Shale Locality 7 (Devonian of the United States)

Also known as N. Y. Route 63 and Starr Road

Where: Genesee County, New York (42.9° N, 78.0° W: paleocoordinates 36.6° S, 25.5° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Windom Member (Moscow Formation), Givetian (387.7 - 382.7 Ma)

• "from upper 10 feet of weathered Windom shale"

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; fine-grained, concretionary, shelly/skeletal, gray, calcareous shale

• "the Windom member consists of fine-grained, medium to dark gray shales interrupted by numerous thin [highly fossiliferous] coquinoid limestone bands and lenses" with concretions in "the upper 2 feet"

Size class: microfossils

Reposited in the NYSM

• New York State Museum collection

•collection and preparation methods unclear

Primary reference: L. E. Stover. 1956. Ostracoda from the Windom Shale (Hamilton) of Western New York. Journal of Paleontology 30(5):1092-1142 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 94047: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 08.02.2010

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• "Megafossils [are] extremely abundant" but not further discussed
 Palaeocopida - Bolliidae
Bollia hindei ostracod
Ulrichia ventura n. sp. ostracod
Ulrichia illinearis Kesling 1953 ostracod
Ulrichia fragilis Warthin 1934 ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Richinidae
Richina selenicristata n. sp. ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Schmidtellidae
 Palaeocopida - Scrobiculidae
 Palaeocopida - Hollinidae
Adelphobolbina medialis n. sp. ostracod
Subligaculum aculeatus n. sp. ostracod
Ctenoloculina eurybathrota Kesling 1952 ostracod
Ctenoloculina cicatricosa Warthin 1934 ostracod
Falsipollex simplilobatus n. sp. ostracod
Hanaites platus Kesling and McMillan 1951 ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Kloedenellidae
 Palaeocopida - Coelonellidae
Coelonella scapha Stewart 1930 ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Paraparchitidae
 Palaeocopida - Kirkbyellidae
Kirkbyella tora n. sp. ostracod
Kirkbyella unicornis Coryell and Malkin 1936 ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Amphissellidae
Doraclatum compandium n. sp. ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Placideidae
Amphissella papillosa n. sp. ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Arcyzonidae
 Palaeocopida - Pachydomellidae
 Palaeocopida - Hollinellidae
Hollinella sella n. sp. ostracod
Hollinella retusilobata n. sp. ostracod
Hollinella epakra n. sp. ostracod
Tetrasacculus cf. magnivelatus Kesling and McMillan 1951 ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Beyrichiidae
Hibbardia lacrimosa Kesling 1953 ostracod
 Palaeocopida - Cryptophyllidae
Cryptophyllus arsinius n. sp. Stover 1956 ostracod
 Podocopida - Bufinidae
Bythocyproidea cf. eriensis Stewart and Hendrix 1945 ostracod
 Podocopida - Healdiidae
Ponderodictya punctulifera Kesling and Chilman 1978 ostracod
Healdia cf. arkonensis Coryell and Malkin 1936 ostracod
 Podocopida - Thlipsuridae
Strepulites divectus n. sp. ostracod
 Podocopida - Quasillitidae
Jenningsina catenulata Kesling and Chilman 1978 ostracod
 Podocopida - Bythocyprididae
Bythocypris transptyxis n. sp. ostracod
Bythocypris sp. Brady 1880 ostracod
new variant transptyxis truncata
Bythocypris phaseoella n. sp. ostracod
Bythocypris tubercula n. sp. ostracod
 Podocopida - Bairdiidae
 Podocopida -
Euglyphella asapha n. sp. ostracod
Euglyphella deltella n. sp. ostracod
Octonaria bifurcata n. sp. ostracod
 Podocopida - Bythocytheridae
Monoceratina casei Warthin 1934 ostracod
 Platycopida - Cytherellidae
Birdsallella catena n. sp. ostracod
Birdsallella devonica Coryell and Malkin 1936 ostracod
 Platycopida - Cavellinidae
Menoeidina versicula n. sp. ostracod
Menoeidina multipuncata n. sp. ostracod