Insecta - Coleoptera - Ptinidae
Full reference: S. H. Scudder. 1878. The Fossil Insects of the Green River Shales. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 4(4):747-776
Belongs to Anobium according to A. Bukejs and V. I. Alekseev 2015
See also Scudder 1878, Scudder 1890, Scudder 1900 and Zahradník and Háva 2014
Sister taxa: Anobium deceptum, Anobium durescens, Anobium lignitum, Anobium punctatum
Type specimen: 4038, an exoskeleton (pronotum & elytra). Its type locality is Petrified fish cut (Scudder collection), which is in a Bridgerian lacustrine - large diatomite/shale in the Green River Formation of Wyoming.
• Eocene of United States (2: Wyoming collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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