Stylophora - Mitrata - Anomalocystitidae
Parent taxon: Anomalocystitida according to R. L. Parsley and C. D. Sumrall 2007
See also Beaver et al. 1967, Parsley 1981, Parsley 1991 and Regnéll 1945
Sister taxa: Allanicytidiidae, Australocystidae, Placocystitidae
Subtaxa: Anomalocystitinae Enoplourinae Placocystites Pseudovictoriacystis Rhenocystis Victoriacystis
Type: Anomalocystitinae
Ecology: passively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder
• Devonian of Australia (1 collection), Germany (2), United States (3: New York, Oklahoma)
• Silurian to Devonian of United States (1: Oklahoma)
• Silurian of Australia (2), the United Kingdom (1)
• Ordovician of the Czech Republic (1), Morocco (1), United States (6: Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, New York)
Total: 18 collections including 19 occurrences