Foraminifera - Lagenina - Ichthyolariidae
Parent taxon: Lagenina according to W. Kiessling et al. 2009
See also Loeblich and Tappan 1988
Sister taxa: Frondinidae, Ichtyolariidae, Langella, Protonodosariidae, Pseudolangella, Robuloidacea
Subtaxa: Austrocolomia Bojarkaella Cryptoseptida Dentalinella Frondiculinita Geinitzinita Gerkeina Grillina Ichthyolaria Involutaria Lingulonodosaria Marginulinita Mesodentalina Nodoinvolutaria Paralingulina Prodentalina Pseudofrondicularia Pseudotristix
Ecology: stationary infaunal deposit feeder
• Cretaceous of the Russian Federation (12 collections), South Africa (4)
• Jurassic of France (1), the Russian Federation (2), Spain (25)
• Triassic of Austria (4), China (3), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Italy (4), Malaysia (1), Papua New Guinea (1), the Russian Federation (8), Slovakia (3), Turkey (2)
• Permian of Afghanistan (1), Armenia (11), Azerbaijan (11), China (8), Iran (11), Israel (4), Italy (2), Japan (8), Lithuania (8), the Russian Federation (4), Turkey (3), Ukraine (1)
Total: 144 collections including 228 occurrences