Natantisphyllum crenae Puebla et al. 2019

Angiospermae - Mesangiosperms - Araceae

Paratypes: IANIGLA-PB 796807

Full reference: G. G. Puebla, B. A. Vento, and M. B. Prámparo. 2019. An aquatic angiosperm of the Late Cretaceous, Mendoza Province, central-western Argentina: its phylogenetic position in Araceae. Historical Biology 1-9

Belongs to Natantisphyllum according to G. G. Puebla et al. 2019

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: IANIGLA-PB 795, a leaf (leaf with detail of venation). Its type locality is Calmu-Co area, which is in a Campanian/Maastrichtian fluvial-lacustrine sandstone in the Loncoche Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: "photoautotroph"

Distribution: found only at Calmu-Co area

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