†Pelorocephalus mendozensis Cabrera 1944 (tetrapod)
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Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Chigutisauridae
Synonym: Chigutisaurus tunuyanensis Rusconi 1948
Belongs to Pelorocephalus according to R. Schoch and A. R. Milner 2000
See also Warren and Marsicano 2000
Sister taxa: Pelorocephalus cacheutensis, Pelorocephalus ischigualastensis, Pelorocephalus tenax
Type specimens:
- Pelorocephalus mendozensis: MLP 44-VII-5-1, a skull
- Chigutisaurus tunuyanensis:
Ecology: amphibious carnivore
Distribution: found only at Potrerillos, Quebrada de la Mina, Cerro Bayo (Triassic of Argentina)
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