Mammalia - Cetacea - Cetotheriidae
Full reference: G. Pilleri and H. J. Siber. 1989. Neuer Spattertiarer cetotherid (Cetacea, Mysticeti) aus der Pisco Formation Perus. Beitrage zur Palaontologie der Cetaceen Perus 109-115
Belongs to Piscobalaena according to F. G. Marx et al. 2016
See also Bisconti et al. 2013, Bouetel 2005, Bouetel and Muizon 2006, Goldin and Startsev 2014, Marx 2011, Marx and Fordyce 2015, McKenna and Bell 1997, Pilleri 1993 and Pilleri and Siber 1989
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: H. J. Siber collection, a skull (skull). Its type locality is Sud-Sacaco West (SAS) horizon, which is in a Messinian foreshore siltstone in the Pisco Formation of Peru.
Ecology: aquatic carnivore-suspension feeder
• Miocene of Peru (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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