Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Polyptychitidae
Alternative combinations: Olcostephanus keyserlingi, Polyptychites keyserlingi
Synonyms: Polyptychites arcuatus Koenen 1909, Polyptychites bullatus Koenen 1902, Polyptychites coronula Koenen 1909, Polyptychites costellatus Koenen 1909, Polyptychites inflatus Koenen 1909, Polyptychites infundibulum Koenen 1909, Polyptychites pyritosus Spath 1924, Polyptychites robustus Koenen 1909, Polyptychites salchowi Koenen 1909, Polyptychites scalarinus Koenen 1909, Polyptychites solidus Koenen 1909, Polyptychites subgravesi Spath 1924, Polyptychites tschernyscheffi Koenen 1909
Belongs to Polyptychites (Polyptychites) according to P. Alsen 2006
See also Bogomolov 1989 and Jeletzky and Kemper 1988
Sister taxa: Polyptychites (Polyptychites) ascendens, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) beani, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) conferticosta, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) michalskii, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) plenus, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) polyptychus, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) ramulicosta, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) rawsoni, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) robertsi, Polyptychites (Polyptychites) tuberculatus
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 43.8
• Cretaceous of Canada (3: British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon collections), Greenland (6), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (4), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1)
Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence
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