Reptilia - Testudines - Protostegidae
Parent taxon: Chelonioidea according to E. A. Cadena and D. A. Combita-Romero 2023
See also Cadena and Parham 2015, Carroll 1988, Cope 1875, de Lapparent de Broin et al. 2014, Gaffney 1975, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Hirayama 1998, Jaekel 1911, Joyce et al. 2004, Karl et al. 2012, Kear 2006, Kear and Lee 2006, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Lehman and Tomlinson 2004, Thurmond and Jones 1981, Weems 1988 and Wieland 1909
Sister taxa: Cheloniidae, Cimochelys, Dermochelyidae, Dermochelyoidae, Desmatochelyidae, Kimurachelys, Leviathanochelys, Nichollsemys, Pandermochelys, Pliochelys, Progonosaurus, Toxochelyidae
Subtaxa: Archelon Bouliachelys Chelospharginae Chelosphargis Cratochelone Desmatochelys Notochelone Pneumatoarthrus Protostega Protosteginae Rhinochelys Santanachelys Terlinguachelys
Type: Protostega
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
• Cretaceous of Angola (1 collection), Australia (6), Brazil (1), Canada (5: British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan), Colombia (6), the Czech Republic (1), France (1), Germany (2), Lebanon (1), Mexico (1), New Zealand (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (6), the United Kingdom (3), United States (28: Alabama, Arizona, California, Kansas, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas)
Total: 64 collections including 71 occurrences