Sucocystis maroccana Termier and Termier 1973

Cincta - Sucocystidae

Alternative combination: Cyclocinctus maroccanus

Full reference: H. Termier and G. Termier. 1973. Les Echinodermes Cincta du Cambriende la Montagne Noire (France). Geobios 6(4):243-265

Belongs to Sucocystis according to A. B. Smith and S. Zamora 2009

See also Termier and Termier 1973

Sister taxa: Sucocystis bretoni, Sucocystis theronensis

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Sur la rive gauche de l'oued Mellah (ancienne route de Casablanca à Rabat) (Cambrian of Morocco)

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